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 freckle ['frɛkl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 雀斑, 斑点

[医] 非曝露部雀斑

  1. When she lies in the sun, her face gets covered with freckles.
  2. Ann's face and back are covered with freckles.
  3. Do you freckle easily?

[ noun ]
  1. a small brownish spot (of the pigment melanin) on the skin

  2. <noun.body>
[ verb ]
  1. become freckled

  2. <verb.change>
    I freckle easily
  3. mark with freckles

  4. <verb.change>

Freckle \Frec"kle\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Freckled}
(fr[e^]k"k'ld); p. pr. & vb. n. {Freckling}
To sprinkle or mark with freckles or small discolored spots;
to spot.

Freckle \Frec"kle\ (fr[e^]k"k'l), v. i.
To become covered or marked with freckles; to be spotted.

Freckle \Freck"le\ (fr[e^]k"k'l), n. [Dim., from the same root
as freak, v. t.]
1. A small yellowish or brownish spot in the skin,
particularly on the face, neck, or hands.

2. Any small spot or discoloration.

  1. "To remove a freckle, apply vinegar," the author prescribes. Soda mixed with vinegar will deal with heartburn, while hay fever can be combated by inhaling horseradish and vinegar several times a day.
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