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 Freddie ['fredi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 弗雷迪(Fred的异体

    1. The offering, Series 92, backed by Freddie Mac 9 1/2% securities, brings Freddie Mac's 1989 Remic volume to $26.9 billion and its total issuance to $40.9 billion since the program began in February 1988.
    2. The offering, Series 92, backed by Freddie Mac 9 1/2% securities, brings Freddie Mac's 1989 Remic volume to $26.9 billion and its total issuance to $40.9 billion since the program began in February 1988.
    3. Forming an independent board is intended to reduce Freddie Mac's sensitivity to politics and increase its sensitivity to shareholders, who will elect 13 members.
    4. "If he lost it all in the futures market, it will be very difficult to pay back," said John Morland, vice president and deputy general counsel of Freddie Mac, which has initiated a civil suit in an effort to recover the money.
    5. The auditors expressed skepticism that HUD, whose mission is to provide Americans with affordable housing, could properly ensure the safety of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
    6. There's market talk that a sizable Freddie Mac Remic backed by Freddie Mac 10% bonds may soon be priced.
    7. There's market talk that a sizable Freddie Mac Remic backed by Freddie Mac 10% bonds may soon be priced.
    8. The thrifts with the biggest cash needs aren't the ones with the biggest stakes in the Freddie Mac preferred.
    9. The offering, Series Gold 1266, is backed by Freddie Mac Gold 7% five-year balloon mortgage securities.
    10. Freddie is still to some extent in transition from ownership by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board to private ownership.
    11. This time, he says, "I got a call from Freddie Silverman and he asked me to meet him."
    12. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac together hold about $4 billion in loans that had been insured by TMIC, and both will have representatives on the new mortgage insurance company's board.
    13. Traders said the drop in the Freddie Mac posted rate, which translates into higher prices for mortgage originators, seemed to have spurred lenders to sell some of their mortgage inventories.
    14. Traders said the Freddie Mac issue had little impact on the underlying pass-through market because the deal had been rumored since last week.
    15. Under the Freddie Mac program, borrowers must put down 5%, of which 2% may be in the form of a gift from a relative or an unsecured loan from the Amalgamated Bank of New York, which is union-owned.
    16. Chairman Danny Wall said he hoped the board's decision "will end speculation about the potential use of Freddie Mac to aid the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., which is clearly not going to be done."
    17. They forward the payments to the actual owners of the mortgages, often a secondary mortgage company such as Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
    18. This year's concert stars the Diamonds, Bobby Vee and Freddie "Boom Boom" Cannon, rock relics from the Holly era.
    19. What comes back would make Freddie and Jason proud.
    20. The offering, Series 93, is backed by Freddie Mac 8 1/2% securities and will be priced at market levels.
    21. The corporation, known as Freddie Mac, buys mortgages and repackages them into securities for sales to investors.
    22. It was put into Freddie Mac Pool No. 360018, $443 million of fixed-rate loans from all over the U.S.
    23. Freddie Mac, a government-sponsored, shareholder-owned corporation operates a secondary market for mortgage loans, buying loans from lenders and packaging them into securities for sale to investors.
    24. Freddie Mac said the issue will be sold through the company's 24-member debenture dealer group, which consists of banks and securities dealers.
    25. The new board is expected to be more responsive to market conditions and innovations in Freddie Mac programs, he said.
    26. The Freddie Mac securities have dropped because investors have to wait a year to receive market rates on their holdings, and because there's a danger that next year's rate could be below market because of the annual rate caps on the securities.
    27. He bought the Freddie Mac 15-year issues because he thought the 15-year sector would be less affected by thrift liquidations than the much larger market for 30-year issues.
    28. The new rate would save Freddie Mac nearly $2 million over five years.
    29. Freddie is in his element in those places.
    30. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae officials maintained that such increased standardization will benefit consumers because lenders will need to make fewer last minute requests for information.
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