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 ethnical ['eθnikəl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 种族的, 异教徒的, 人种学的

  1. What may have been the relative length of these ethnical periods is also a fair subject of speculation.
  2. It was a significant component part of ritual costume system of ancient China as well as cultural symbol of ethnical groups in northern China.
  3. Abstract: Taking the design of Xiangba-la Ethnical Park as an example, the author expounds that it is important to emphasize culture and history in the design of landscape architecture and how to use it for the park planning.

[ adj ]
denoting or deriving from or distinctive of the ways of living built up by a group of people
influenced by ethnic and cultural tiesethnic food

Ethnic \Eth"nic\, Ethnical \Eth"nic*al\, a. [L. ethnicus, Gr. ?,
fr. ? nation, ? ? the nations, heathens, gentiles: cf. F.
1. Belonging to races or nations; based on distinctions of
race; ethnological.

2. Pertaining to the gentiles, or nations not converted to
Christianity; heathen; pagan; -- opposed to {Jewish} and

3. of or pertaining to a group having a distinct racial,
cultural, religious or linguistic character; as, ethnic
differences within a population can cause civil war.

4. being a member of a distinct racial or cultural minority
within a larger population; as, ethnic Chinese own most of
the businesses in Indonesia.

  1. Since then, Moslem activist students and others demanding immediate implementation of the 1,350-year-old Islamic legal and ethnical code called Sharia often have clashed with police.
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