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 ethnically ['eθnikli]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 人种上, 民族上

  1. Is Suharto and his family ethnically CHINESE?
  2. Ethnically, the Yuan Empire comprised most of modern China's ethnic groups.
  3. These two countries are different geographically, ethnically and linguistically.

[ adv ]
with respect to ethnicity
the neighborhood is ethnically diverse

Ethnically \Eth"nic*al*ly\, adv.
In an ethnical manner.

  1. The referendum, up for vote Saturday, has heightened existing racial tension in the ethnically diverse city, community leaders said.
  2. In a bid to create harmony on this ethnically divided nation, Premadasa offered cash incentives to government employees who are bilingual.
  3. People of the Baltic nations, very different ethnically from the Soviet Union's dominant Slavic population, always have maintained a strong cultural and ethnic identity.
  4. One in which ethnically defined states make claims on each other in the name of kinsfolk living the 'wrong' side of a frontier.
  5. Although the violence did not stop Monday's balloting in this ethnically divided island nation, it kept droves of eligible voters away.
  6. The Communist leadership and partisan press in Serbia have lashed out against Slovenia, accusing it of "treason" for criticizing Serbia's policies in ethnically troubled Kosovo province.
  7. In those areas, they naturally fear, it would be their turn to be 'ethnically cleansed'. The Bosnian Croats like the plan because it puts almost all their homes under their own political control.
  8. Armenia and Azerbaijan claim the enclave in the ethnically charged conflict.
  9. The aim of that support appears to be the creation of a geographically contiguous, ethnically pure, greater Serbia. The western reaction has been economic sanctions, which are unlikely to work.
  10. The church, with a $6 million annual budget, has become an increasingly ethnically mixed congregation, with a diversified program of help to the poor and homeless and working for racial justice and disarmament.
  11. The resignation could signal further liberalization of Yugoslavia's one-party system as the ethnically divided country struggles to solve unprecedented social and economic woes.
  12. We are not yet as ethnically driven as, say, Yugoslavia.
  13. While the ethnically mixed crossroads in the city's center often puts German speakers in the minority, Mrs. Kraus says the Campanile would destroy the "excellent neighborliness" in the area.
  14. The plan would give the ethnically and geographically diverse republics more clout in running the economy.
  15. Romanian leaders have consistently felt that only the creation of an ethnically homogeneous Romanian state can make Transylvania secure as part of Romania.
  16. At least 23 people were reported killed on this ethnically divided island Friday, and the foreign minister said Sinhalese extremists were plotting to overthrow the government.
  17. More than 100,000 Slavs, some firing guns in the air, demonstrated in at least three Yugoslav cities today to demand a halt to protests by ethnic Albanians in the ethnically troubled province of Kosovo.
  18. Rep. Bill McCollum (R., Fla.) reports that these included 20,000 to 30,000 Soviet Central Asian KGB Border Guards, ethnically indistinguishable from Afghans and wearing unmarked uniforms.
  19. I have always thought it Grigorovich's weakest work - because ethnically quaint about Persia - and at the Albert Hall it looked as if far too many people were impersonating Wilson, Keppel and Betty in their convulsingly sober sand-dance.
  20. In 1938, he said, faith in the West was shaken when Britain and France, the models for Czechoslovakia's democrats, allowed Adolf Hitler's armies to march into Prague on the pretext of reclaiming the ethnically German Sudetenland.
  21. An equal share of the Russian Orthodox clergy was ethnically Ukrainian.
  22. Attorney Gerald Richman claimed momentum as he narrowly led a seven-candidate field in the ethnically diverse district.
  23. The moves by Dr. Mahathir's opponents and elder UMNO statesmen indicate that the 42-year-old ruling party may be heading for a schism that threatens to splinter Malay political power for years in this ethnically diverse country.
  24. An ethnic Albanian policeman has been sentenced to five years in jail for assaulting a Serbian Orthodox nun in ethnically troubled Kosovo province, newspapers reported today.
  25. Arakelova fled for Moscow days before the outbreak, but not before falling victim to an ethnically motivated attack.
  26. Thousands of Albanian miners put down their tools and marched to the provincial capital of Kosovo today to protest the resignations of the top two Albanian leaders in the ethnically divided area.
  27. Nationalists in Slovakia, Hungary's ethnically troubled rural republic, tested their political strength today in local council and mayoral elections.
  28. We are the most ethnically diverse city in the whole world.
  29. Saboteurs in a ethnically torn areas of Abkhazia damaged a dam that provides more than half of Soviet Georgia's electricity, a newspaper reported Thursday.
  30. The rebel movement, which is headquartered in Addis Ababa, took up arms against Khartoum's Moslem-dominated government in 1983, demanding greater autonomy and economic reforms for the nation's predominantly Christian and ethnically African south.
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