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 ethnicity [eθ'nisiti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 种族划分, 种族性

    [ noun ]
    an ethnic quality or affiliation resulting from racial or cultural ties
    ethnicity has a strong influence on community status relations

    1. Owners also discriminate against tenants on the basis of race, ethnicity, age and number of children.
    2. They are fiercely proud of their ethnicity and often settle scores in blood.
    3. In his acceptance speech last week, Michael Dukakis, the immigrants' son, celebrated the richness of ethnicity in the American dream.
    4. Under the recently approved hate crimes bill, the Justice Department is to keep statistics on offenses related to race, religion, sexual orientation and ethnicity as part of the uniform crime report.
    5. Not so those whose forbears first played the game in distant places and later on the playing fields of Astoria, Red Hook and Greenpoint. Each represents a New York neighbourhood defined by ethnicity.
    6. Race or ethnicity, however, would cease to count either for or against any applicant.
    7. It is clear from their own words that they want to impose their "adult" ideas about race, ethnicity and place on innocent children.
    8. There are some serious things to be said about the difference between voluntary and coerced "affirmative action," between legal and informal recognition of race and ethnicity.
    9. But in recent years ethnicity has hit Bahia hard.
    10. But they are both looking forward to the end of British rule and China's resumption of sovereignty over Hong Kong in 1997. Uniting them is a shared ethnicity and nationalism.
    11. His advisers say addressing the issues of ethnicity, nationalism, and identity throughout the Balkans is a long term process. Geneva is a long way from Sarajevo and Kosovo, from the fighting and the tension on the ground.
    12. We wear our ethnicity on our sleeve, with great pride."
    13. Contrary to what JoAnne Goldberg asserts in her letter to the editor (June 6), the scope of Western culture is not expanded by selecting contributors to that culture on the basis of their sex and ethnicity.
    14. Unusual among ANC leaders, Zuma does not try to deny his own ethnicity.
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