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 disseminating 添加此单词到默认生词本
v. 散播;宣传;传播(disseminate的ing形式)

  1. Do I keep too much information to myself because disseminating it is time consuming or inconvenient?
  2. This is the process necessary for collecting,measuring,and disseminating performance information,and assessing measurements and trends to effect process improvements.
  3. Need a systematic means for gathering or disseminating energy efficiency information sources to the participating enterprises (role for new National Energy Conservation Center?

Disseminate \Dis*sem"i*nate\, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p.
{Disseminated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Disseminating}.] [L.
disseminatus, p. p. of disseminare to disseminate; dis- +
seminare to sow, semen seed. See {Seminary}.]
1. to spread around widely; to sow broadcast or as seed; to
scatter for growth and propagation, like seed; to spread
abroad; to diffuse; as, principles, ideas, opinions, and
errors are disseminated when they are spread abroad for

2. To spread or extend by dispersion.

A nearly uniform and constant fire or heat
disseminated throughout the body of the earth.

Syn: To spread; diffuse; propagate; circulate; disperse;

disseminating \disseminating\ adj.
serving to diffuse, disseminate, or disperse.

Syn: diffusing(prenominal), diffusive, dispersive,
disseminative, scattering, spreading.
[WordNet 1.5]

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