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 dissertation [`dɪsɚ'teʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 论文

  1. I'm working my notes up into a dissertation.
  2. She wrote a dissertation on superrealism.
  3. I have not yet footnoted my dissertation.

[ noun ]
a treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree

Dissertation \Dis`ser*ta"tion\, n. [L. dissertatio: cf. F.
A formal or elaborate argumentative discourse, oral or
written; a disquisition; an essay; a discussion; as,
Dissertations on the Prophecies.

  1. Carolyn Lipson-Walker, whose doctoral dissertation is titled "Shalom Y'all: The Folklore and Culture of Southern Jews," said Southern Jews have fused their social and religious practices to produce a dual culture.
  2. He based his Yale University doctoral dissertation on his findings.
  3. I also had the experience of publishing both a thesis and a dissertation for graduate degrees at different times in my business career.
  4. She came to Silicon Valley in the early '70s to finish a dissertation on computers in schools, and joined the then-fledgling Palo Alto lab.
  5. Frank Bourgin has been a civil servant, a manufacturer and clothier in the 46 years since his doctoral dissertation was rejected by the University of Chicago.
  6. The university invited Boethig back to complete his doctoral dissertation.
  7. In 1961-64 he engaged in postgraduate studies but failed to complete them with a dissertation because he had criticized Lenin's theory of matter.
  8. Richard Rowley, a university graduate student writing his doctoral dissertation on the study, managed the research staff, mainly undergraduate honors students and graduate students.
  9. At age 67 she won a doctoral degree from the Sorbonne, defending _ in French _ her dissertation, "The Attitude of France in Regard to Slavery (American) During the Revolution."
  10. Deborah Emm, author of a doctoral dissertation on survivors of sexual assaults, said the parents' eagerness to see their daughter's attacker brought to justice was not unusual.
  11. By 1978, while Hasse was writing a doctoral dissertation on ragtime music at Indiana University, deVincent's collection had filled his two-car garage and spilled into nearly every room of his home.
  12. Yes, this is a baseball picture, not a dissertation on the evils or virtues of Bull Durham chewing tobacco.
  13. Walker's "For My People," a book of poetry, and "Jubilee" are best-sellers that won prizes as her master's thesis and doctorate dissertation before their publication.
  14. But university officials told the Times he would have had to study at least four more years and finish a dissertation to earn the French equivalent of a doctorate.
  15. Pritchett said he does not recall the original dissertation.
  16. He later earned a Harvard doctorate in economics, and turned his dissertation into a book that accurately forecast big changes for the securities industry.
  17. Again, distributors said they would not put out the album as it was, s Farrell created an alternative - a plain white cover with a lengthy dissertation on freedom of speech.
  18. He should go back and complete his dissertation.
  19. Then it hit him. "Drinking," he said. "I know a lot about drinking." His dissertation examined the relationship between drinking and family structure, political ideology, values and religious beliefs in 57 societies.
  20. We must not lose the real lessons of Dr. King's dissertation.
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