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 dissenting [di'sentiŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
[法] 不同意的, 不赞成的

  1. Adherence to such dissenting opinion or doctrine.
  2. I dissent from what you said.
  3. Any dissenting opinion shall accompany the majority decision.

[ adj ]
disagreeing, especially with a majority

Dissent \Dis*sent"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Dissented}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Dissenting}.] [L. dissentire, dissentum; dis- +
sentire to feel, think. See {Sense}.]
1. To differ in opinion; to be of unlike or contrary
sentiment; to disagree; -- followed by from.

The bill passed . . . without a dissenting voice.

Opinions in which multitudes of men dissent from us.

2. (Eccl.) To differ from an established church in regard to
doctrines, rites, or government.

3. To differ; to be of a contrary nature. --Hooker.

dissenting \dissenting\ adj.
disagreeing, especially with a majority.

Syn: dissentient, dissident.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. The city's school board has upheld a five-day suspension of Principal Joe Clark by a 7-1 vote, with the dissenting vote from a commissioner who wanted the flamboyant principal dismissed.
  2. In a brief order today issued over two dissenting votes, the court said the Minnesota court should restudy the Amish controversy after examining the peyote ruling from Oregon.
  3. The hunger strikers voted to stay, with only 56 dissenting.
  4. Four dissenting justices accused the court of undermining the trust minority groups have in it.
  5. Justice James Duke Cameron provided the dissenting vote.
  6. Assassination also would be difficult, as the Iraqi president is heavily guarded, rarely leaves the nation and has executed those who show signs of dissenting or of becoming a rival.
  7. Naco Finance said that holders of about 84% of its 12% senior notes due 1994 approved the reorganization plan and that it didn't receive any dissenting votes.
  8. The three dissenting Democrats charged that by imprisoning more drug-possession defendants, the Martinez administration had forced the early release of many violent felons.
  9. In dissenting opinions Chief Justice Malcolm Lucas and two other justices said such a rigid standard of proof would discourage such cases against dealers.
  10. Associate Justice Steele Hays said in a dissenting opinion that voters, not the courts, should decide on a lottery.
  11. The plan was approved by a committee of plaintiffs lawyers by 5-2. The dissenting attorneys argued that the plan treats claimants with lesser illnesses unfairly by deferring their payments.
  12. But dissenting panel members worried that even with the additional data from San Francisco, the case for DDI was too thin and the panel's decision too hasty.
  13. The action in Guangdong also is viewed by analysts as the Beijing hard-liners' pre-emptive strike against a possible alliance between dissenting generals in the province, one of China's seven major military bases, and influential regional leaders.
  14. It raises questions over how institutions and journal editors handle dissenting interpretations of research data.
  15. Chief Justice William Rehnquist said dissenting colleagues had accused his 5-4 majority of cowardice and illegitimacy.
  16. The dissenting living are still banned.
  17. The Senate Judiciary Committee approved the nomination of New Hampshire jurist David H. Souter to the Supreme Court on Thursday with but one dissenting vote.
  18. The court, with only two justices dissenting, lifted without comment a postponement granted March 4 by Justice William J. Brennan.
  19. Justice William Brennan was joined in a dissenting opinion by Justices Thurgood Marshall and Harry Blackmun.
  20. The two dissenting justices said Morrison should have received more than warnings from his wife and fellow troopers.
  21. The only dissenting vote was cast by Rep. Philip Crane, R-Ill.
  22. That this is now acknowledged by the church hierarchy is attested by the fact that the voting on the NASSA motion was almost unanimous, with only one bishop dissenting.
  23. In a dissenting opinion, Judge Gilbert Merritt said the ruling allows corporate giants, such as General Motors, Ford and Chrysler, to funnel large sums of money through the chamber to favorite candidates without revealing the spending.
  24. It also violates the First Amendment free-speech rights of dissenting members. The court did uphold the practice in some 30 states of requiring fee-paying bar membership by all lawyers.
  25. Even now, however, the dissenting voices who have united against Ceausescu can still communicate with each other _ and with the country _ most effectively through RFE.
  26. He made clear that his dissenting vote had nothing to do with his respect for American women.
  27. "The possibility of a mistake must be considerable," the judges said in their dissenting opinion.
  28. In a dissenting decision, one of the appellate judges warned that the decision "creates unnecessary conflict" with other courts' jurisdictions.
  29. Curran had been criticized for dissenting from church views on divorce and on sexual issues such as birth control and homosexuality.
  30. The justices, over one dissenting vote, on Monday rejected a challenge by about 650 women to the settlement reached with A.H. Robins Co., manufacturer of the intrauterine device.
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