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 dissent [dɪ'sɛnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 异议

vi. 持异议, 不同意

[法] 异议, 不尊奉国教

  1. I dissent from what you said.
  2. They expressed their dissent from official policy.
  3. We dissented from the decision.

[ noun ]
  1. (law) the difference of one judge's opinion from that of the majority

  2. <noun.communication>
    he expressed his dissent in a contrary opinion
  3. a difference of opinion

  4. <noun.communication>
  5. the act of protesting; a public (often organized) manifestation of dissent

  6. <noun.act>
[ verb ]
  1. withhold assent

  2. <verb.communication>
    Several Republicans dissented
  3. express opposition through action or words

  4. <verb.social> protest resist
    dissent to the laws of the country
  5. be of different opinions

  6. <verb.communication>
    differ disagree take issue
    I beg to differ!
    She disagrees with her husband on many questions

Dissent \Dis*sent"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Dissented}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Dissenting}.] [L. dissentire, dissentum; dis- +
sentire to feel, think. See {Sense}.]
1. To differ in opinion; to be of unlike or contrary
sentiment; to disagree; -- followed by from.

The bill passed . . . without a dissenting voice.

Opinions in which multitudes of men dissent from us.

2. (Eccl.) To differ from an established church in regard to
doctrines, rites, or government.

3. To differ; to be of a contrary nature. --Hooker.

Dissent \Dis*sent"\, n.
1. The act of dissenting; difference of opinion; refusal to
adopt something proposed; nonagreement, nonconcurrence, or

The dissent of no small number [of peers] is
frequently recorded. --Hallam.

2. (Eccl.) Separation from an established church, especially
that of England; nonconformity.

It is the dissidence of dissent and the
protestantism of the Protestant religion. --Burke.

3. Contrariety of nature; diversity in quality. [Obs.]

The dissent of the metals. --Bacon.

Syn: Disagreement; variance; difference; nonconcurrence;

  1. June 27 _ Bush calls for a constitutional amendment to bypass the Supreme Court ruling, saying "I will uphold our precious right to dissent, but burning the flag goes too far."
  2. In Dhaka, Bangladesh, Chinese Premier Li Peng said Sunday that Western trade sanctions against China because of its crackdown on dissent would backfire and hurt the countries imposing the restrictions.
  3. "Today's reversal of field will require adjustment of a fairly large number of significant First Amendment holdings," Justice Scalia said in a dissent that he actually read from the bench because he felt so strongly about the issue.
  4. She said the agency told its regional offices last week that Chinese might try to flee because of the suppression of dissent following the June 4 killing of hundreds of unarmed pro-democracy protesters by troops in Beijing.
  5. Since Mikhail S. Gorbachev allowed more openess and lifted iron controls on dissent, ethnic and racial hatreds have resurfaced in Moslem Central Asia and in the Caucasus republics of the Soviet Union.
  6. Diplomats in Rangoon have said Sein Lwin appears ready to make some economic reforms while also putting down dissent to rob popular opposition movements of potential leaders.
  7. Gorbachev, whose own policies of tolerating greater openness and dissent have emboldened groups seeking more autonomy, blamed ethnic violence on the forced migrations of ethnic groups ordered by his predecessors.
  8. It accused them of "criminal acts against the Nicaraguan people." According to the government, the eight were fomenting dissent and helped organize a large anti-government demonstration last Sunday that ended in violence.
  9. For the time being, the state tolerates his outbursts, perhaps to give the impression that China allows dissent. Police recently stopped tailing his car, and authorities no longer force him to report his contacts with the foreign press.
  10. Similarly, the Dec. 23 Washington Post associated "bellyaching, malingering, dissent and drug abuse" with the Vietnam soldier.
  11. He has promised economic reforms but appears to be moving rapidly to wipe out all political dissent.
  12. Three other of President Bush's nominees for key sub-Cabinet jobs also were approved by the committee without dissent.
  13. To capitalize on this dissent, a former army officer, Col. Hassan Agilipour, recently announced the formation of a shadow government-in-exile in Paris with some links to the military hierarchy in Iran.
  14. A man ranked the wealthiest in the world runs this tiny oil-rich Moslem kingdom, and diplomats report little dissent from people unencumbered by income taxes, medical payments or tuition fees.
  15. Student dissent has been gathering strength since senior leader Deng Xiaoping took power and initiated his policies of reform in the late 1970s.
  16. The crackdown on dissent in Beijing in early June, when China's troops and tanks killed hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Chinese during pro-democracy demonstrations in the capital, did not diminish his optimism.
  17. Premier Li Peng lifted martial law today, but strict laws banning dissent remain in force.
  18. On Tuesday, they postponed plans to override two controversial nationwide decrees limiting demonstrations and dissent, deciding to ignore the decrees and instead to enforce only a more liberal Estonian law on the same subject passed in January.
  19. A popular folk singer deported back to his native Taiwan for criticizing Beijing's crackdown on dissent says Chinese officials gave him a choice: prison or the return to Taiwan.
  20. This gray compound on Beijing's Educate the New Street is where the capital's most serious offenders are sent, and where some of the more than 2,000 Beijing residents arrested in the June crackdown on dissent can expect to go.
  21. At a Jan. 5 telephone conference, Mr. Johnson dropped his dissent.
  22. Ginsburg proved his point by deleting two-thirds of his dissent in a case before releasing it publicly.
  23. Tucker and New Directions have criticized UAW President Owen Bieber for allegedly stifling dissent within the UAW and losing sight of the 1 million-member union's roots by making to cooperative labor agreements with automakers.
  24. The opinion included a dissent, brilliantly and powerfully argued.
  25. Most often left in dissent in the term's major cases were liberals William J. Brennan, Thurgood Marshall, Harry A. Blackmun and John Paul Stevens.
  26. William M. Kuntsler and other lawyers defending six members of a left-wing group charged with setting off a bomb in the U.S. Capitol derided the prosecution Friday as a political effort to silence dissent.
  27. "Even the Hungarians raised a short-term refinancing rate after the Bundesbank announcement." Aware that the move might stir dissent, Bundesbank President Karl Otto Poehl said he warned other central banks of the action in advance.
  28. Hundreds of thousands of people across Burma took to the streets from Aug. 8 to Aug. 12 to protest the transfer of power from strongman Ne Win to hard-liner Sein Lwin, widely hated in Burma for ruthlessly suppressing dissent.
  29. Results of the annual spring draft for the Soviet armed forces read like a barometer of regional dissent.
  30. Those who have fled say they can no longer endure the nation's tough policy on travel to the West, its intolerance toward dissent and pluralism and an economy that is still fraught with shortages and distribution problems.
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