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 diarrhea [`daɪə'riə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 腹泻

[医] 腹泻

  1. A toxin produced by bacteria that is specific for intestinal cells and causes the vomiting and diarrhea associated with food poisoning.
  2. An eating disorder in which one alternates between abnormal craving for and aversion to food. It is characterized by episodes of excessive food intake followed by periods of fasting and self-induced vomiting or diarrhea.
  3. I have diarrhea. I wonder if I ate something bad yesterday.

[ noun ]
frequent and watery bowel movements; can be a symptom of infection or food poisoning or colitis or a gastrointestinal tumor

Diarrhea \Di`ar*rhe"a\, Diarrhoea \Di`ar*rh[oe]"a\,
(d[imac]`ar*r[=e]"[.a]), n. [L. diarrhoea, Gr. dia`rroia, fr.
dia`rrei^n to flow through; dia` + "rei^n to flow; akin to E.
stream. See {Stream}.] (Med.)
A morbidly frequent and profuse discharge of loose or fluid
evacuations from the intestines, without tenesmus; a purging
or looseness of the bowels; a flux.

  1. Swallowing the berries can lead to diarrhea, vomiting and depression of the central nervous system, the Poison Control Center says.
  2. The government's health control center reported 16,813 new cases of diarrhea Wednesday, bringing the total of known cases across the country to 119,822 since Aug. 27.
  3. The illness is marked by violent diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration that can kill a victim within five hours.
  4. Although Actigall does away with the side effects associated with Chenix, such as diarrhea, both drugs fail to dissolve gallstones completely in many patients, according to some health-care experts.
  5. A separate page includes information on adverse reactions, such as skin eruptions, anorexia and diarrhea.
  6. Most infected people get diarrhea, and many have upset stomachs, chills, fever or headache.
  7. "But the diarrhea and associated weight loss can weaken the patients to such a degree that they are confined to wheelchairs, unable to perform the smallest tasks for themselves," it said.
  8. Reports of illness from shigella bacteria, which causes acute diarrhea, nearly doubled in a two-year span, federal health officials reported Thursday.
  9. A 28-year-old waitress visits a hospital emergency room at 3 a.m. complaining of abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea.
  10. "Dinosaurs didn't go out with a bang, they went out with worldwide diarrhea," he said.
  11. Cytotec sometimes has side effects, like abdominal cramps and diarrhea, so doctors tend to be cautious in prescribing it.
  12. But he said parents were not being instructed on how to protect their children at small cost from the "great scourges" of disease including diarrhea, measles, tetanus, whooping cough and acute respiratory infection.
  13. At least 60 children have died of diarrhea in an outbreak of the disease that started late last month in East Timor, a news report said today.
  14. Health Secretary Manzurul Karim on Wednesday said there have been 319,860 official cases of diarrhea and 168 diarrhea-related deaths since Aug. 27.
  15. Even in Balambhu, the concept of water-borne diseases such as diarrhea is rudimentary.
  16. Patches of foul-smelling mud emerged Tuesday as flood waters filled with sewage and rotting garbage continued to recede, and the government fought a losing battle against a diarrhea epidemic.
  17. The 14-month old girl, who was not identified, developed diarrhea and a fever.
  18. But even in the U.S., an estimated 200,000 infants are hospitalized each year for diarrhea-causing infections; and 500 infants die annually of diarrhea.
  19. Many children and old people are suffering from exhaustion and diarrhea, said doctors screening the refugees Saturday.
  20. However, it has been known to trigger such adverse reactions as mild and temporary diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness and rash.
  21. Others will become ill with diseases whose symptoms include fever, vomiting and diarrhea.
  22. "My baby son was sick, he had a fever and diarrhea," DeIulis said. "I was nervous all the time.
  23. Wells and pumps have been submerged and people have begun drinking flood water, causing a rise in diarrhea cases and fear of epidemics.
  24. They assumed that outpatients with diarrhea and inpatients who had developed it within three days or less of hospitalization brought the malady in with them, while other cases developed while patients were in the hospital.
  25. Egyptian television said in a Thursday evening newscast that the Sudanese Red Crescent reported 5,211 people as suffering from severe diarrhea, 70 percent of them young children.
  26. Khobar said most of the latest victims drowned or died of diarrhea and snake bites.
  27. Ciprofloxacin previously had been found superior to other antibiotics in ending diarrhea caused by a common bacterium called E. coli.
  28. ARC usually begins with such symptoms as sudden, unexplained weight loss, night sweats, fever, fatigue and diarrhea.
  29. In some cases, tumors cause diarrhea and high blood pressure.
  30. He described how Duarte has had to lie in an oxygen tent, wasted by dehydrating vomiting and diarrhea.
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