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 diarrhoea [`daɪə'riə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 腹泻

  1. He have an attack of diarrhoea after go to the restaurant.
  2. We have" Xie Li TIng" here. It has an unique remedy for diarrhoea.
  3. It is humiliating before others to have a diarrhoea from ptomaine poisoning or to vomit from it.

[ noun ]
frequent and watery bowel movements; can be a symptom of infection or food poisoning or colitis or a gastrointestinal tumor

Diarrhea \Di`ar*rhe"a\, Diarrhoea \Di`ar*rh[oe]"a\,
(d[imac]`ar*r[=e]"[.a]), n. [L. diarrhoea, Gr. dia`rroia, fr.
dia`rrei^n to flow through; dia` + "rei^n to flow; akin to E.
stream. See {Stream}.] (Med.)
A morbidly frequent and profuse discharge of loose or fluid
evacuations from the intestines, without tenesmus; a purging
or looseness of the bowels; a flux.

  1. In fact the reverse may be true, because rotting food sometimes inhibits the growth of germs that transmit diarrhoea.
  2. However, they can have side-effects, including allergy and diarrhoea, so their use is controversial.
  3. If intestinal anthrax was to blame, the victims would be expected to show some signs of food poisoning such as vomiting, diarrhoea or stomach pains.
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