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 diary ['daiəri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 日记

[经] 日记簿

  1. I keep a diary every day.
  2. She was angry for her mother's peeping at her diary.
  3. Reading my diary is an inexcusable invasion of privacy.

[ noun ]
  1. a daily written record of (usually personal) experiences and observations

  2. <noun.communication>
  3. a personal journal (as a physical object)

  4. <noun.artifact>

Diary \Di"a*ry\ (d[imac]"[.a]*r[y^]), n.; pl. {Diaries}. [L.
diarium, fr. dies day. See {Deity}.]
A register of daily events or transactions; a daily record; a
journal; a blank book dated for the record of daily
memoranda; as, a diary of the weather; a physician's diary.

Diary \Di"a*ry\, a.
lasting for one day; as, a diary fever. [Obs.] ``Diary
ague.'' --Bacon.

  1. Martin dubbed her Mary Reilly, had her learn to read and write at a school financed by Jekyll's largesse and set her to keeping a diary of the goings-on at the well-appointed mansion.
  2. Anne Frank was a Jewish girl whose posthumously published diary on her life-in-hiding in an annex behind the Amsterdam canal house gained her a worldwide audience.
  3. Peary's diary contained no detailed record of wind speed, weather and ice conditions during the crucial 30 hours when he reportedly made his sprint to the Pole.
  4. White, an unemployed equipment salesman in Midland, said that he and his mother read his father's diary, which detailed the assassination.
  5. After a telephone conversation with O'Neill in 1982, the president wrote in his diary, "Tip is truly a New Deal liberal.
  6. Desmond is thus led into the thickets of a treasonous plot that becomes more and more interesting as it focuses on a diary everyone is desperate to find.
  7. Saltzberg is to contact Reagan's lawyers and make arrangements to have those diary segments made available to North's lawyers as well.
  8. A historian's persistence finally led to the name, jotted in the yellowed pages of a diary kept by the commander of Wibben's regiment.
  9. The tone of the reviewers of the diary has reflected that strain of despair that underpinned Kenneth's existence. But the diaries were not the whole of his existence; they cannot, do not, convey the exhilaration that his very presence would produce.
  10. I have quoted this letter because there is still the glimmer of humour which Kenneth tried to retain when talking among his friends, saving his desolation for the diary.
  11. The officer said a police team was sent to neighboring Haryana state to an address in a diary found near the intruder's body.
  12. Warhol apparently began keeping a diary in 1976 as a way to establish a record of his expenses for the Internal Revenue Service.
  13. His off-duty hours are spent penning a diary and compiling existentially gratuitous 'lists' (famous people whose eyes don't match, famous left-handed people).
  14. U.S. District Judge Harold Greene has ruled that former President Reagan does not have to produce diary entries he made while in office.
  15. The diary, type-written on 2,100 pages from 1930 to 1948, was sealed on Mencken's instructions for 25 years after his death in 1956.
  16. He has decided to publish his 1964 diary.
  17. The State Department said Monday that the U.S. Embassy in San Salvador is looking into reports that a log book and diary of one defendant, Col. Guillermo Benavides, is missing.
  18. Another time I was given champagne by British Airways,' he says, leafing through his diary.
  19. "It gives them a diary on how to do deals," says Kevin Risen, financial services analyst at Banc One Asset Management Corp.
  20. And the central message of his diary isn't really news.
  21. Mencken's diary tells of his pleasure that a North Carolina resort he enjoyed visiting excludes Jews, and expresses annoyance when Jews moved into his neighborhood.
  22. White said the diary _ which he showed to no one _ is missing, and suggested it was taken by the FBI.
  23. This is the most startling revelation of his diary.
  24. When Camrose died, Harold Nicolson wrote in his diary of the flags at half-mast in Fleet Street, and added: 'he was a staunch friend and wise counsellor.
  25. The book is in diary form, and I admit I didn't get past June.
  26. North also is seeking presidential documents, including Reagan's diary.
  27. This week Trudeau zeroed in on the controversy over the recently published diary of the late artist Andy Warhol, but he had planned to take his characters back to China next week.
  28. This CD-Rom includes sketches, poems, essays, diary entries and biographies of the sisters, alongside photos of 60 Bronte museum treasures from the Howarth Parsonage.
  29. A diary left by former Transport Minister Don Jamieson, who died in 1986, said two days after Trudeau acted, the Cabinet was told police had no evidence of an insurrection _ no firearms, ammunition or explosives.
  30. Reflecting the extremely reasonable prices (from Pounds 2 to Pounds 500), be prepared for a real rummage, and pencil an entire afternoon into your diary.
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