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 diarrheal   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 腹泻

[医] 腹泻的

  1. My own involvement with rotavirus began in1979, when my wife and I moved to Bangladesh to work at the International Center for Diarrheal Disease Research.
  2. While no epidemics have been confirmed in the vast coastal areas devastated by the tsunamis on Sunday, the officials said they were most worried about diarrheal diseases- cholera, typhoid fever and shigellosis- as well as live

[ adj ]
of or relating to diarrhea

Diarrheal \Di`ar*rhe"al\, Diarrhoeal \Di`ar*rh[oe]"al\ a. (Med.)
Of or pertaining to diarrhea; like diarrhea.

  1. Ships are supposed to report diarrheal illnesses among passengers and crew by radio at least 24 hours before arriving in a U.S. port in order to help inspectors trace the source of a disease before passengers fan out across the country.
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