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 described 添加此单词到默认生词本
adj. 描述的

  1. The scene is nothing like what you described.
  2. The man you have just described sounds like my father all over.

[ adj ]
represented in words especially with sharpness and detail
the vividly described wars

Describe \De*scribe"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Described}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Describing}.] [L. describere, descriptum; de- +
scribere to write: cf. OE. descriven, OF. descrivre, F.
d['e]crire. See {Scribe}, and cf. {Descry}.]
1. To represent by drawing; to draw a plan of; to delineate;
to trace or mark out; as, to describe a circle by the
compasses; a torch waved about the head in such a way as
to describe a circle.

2. To represent by words written or spoken; to give an
account of; to make known to others by words or signs; as,
the geographer describes countries and cities.

3. To distribute into parts, groups, or classes; to mark off;
to class. [Obs.]

Passed through the land, and described it by cities
into seven parts in a book. --Josh. xviii.

Syn: To set forth; represent; delineate; relate; recount;
narrate; express; explain; depict; portray; chracterize.

  1. Although Mr. Siegel is described by some friends as a man who is reluctant to leave any money on the table in a business negotiation, he is anything but a Scrooge in his personal life.
  2. When asked how today's scholars might approach an altered version, Mr. Greetham described a form of advanced literary analysis known as Reception Theory, in which "authorial intention has no particular precedence.
  3. Pravda described the accident scene as being one of "brief panic," but said medical workers from Moscow and nearby Gorky were immediately notified and asked for help.
  4. Instead, they described it has a housecleaning measure agreed upon after Presser underwent a heart bypass operation in late 1983 to assure that control of the union remained with officials at its international headquarters in Washington.
  5. Members of the Nationalist old guard, in a remarkable reversal of past attitudes, have described Lee's position as too harsh.
  6. At this point Mr. Walsh, who is highly regarded in art circles and who is described as a cautious and careful museum executive, faced a decision.
  7. Handwritten comments by Green's superiors in the margin of his reports praise his progress, saying "stay close to her" and "very good prospect." At one point, Green described his visits to Latta as a "cultivating job."
  8. He referred to a concert Michael gave in Toronto in 1991, which the singer described as one of the low points in his relationship with Sony. Two senior Sony executives arrived at the concert by private jet.
  9. In a story in the Wednesday edition of the newspaper, Unger described his feelings after meeting two inmates in their small, bleak cell who wished to surrender.
  10. He added that she had been described her as "emotionally spent." Martin Bailey, a communications representative of the National Council of Churches who had met Ms. Casolo in Miamia, checked out of his hotel room early today.
  11. One Japanese official described the talks as "heated" and said neither side had changed its position on the territorial dispute.
  12. "Current growth could fairly be described as profitless," the AEA said in a statement.
  13. Mr Sharif had been seeking to remove the presidential powers which Mr Khan used to dismiss him, as well to eject Ms Bhutto's government in 1990. Mr Sharif described the judgment as an important milestone in Pakistan's history.
  14. Mr. Adham is frequently described as a former Arab spymaster, but neither part of that description is true.
  15. During a 90-minute news conference, Ballard described how he his ocean-crawling robot located the Bismarck "sitting upright and proud" two weeks ago.
  16. Friends have described Moody as a loner.
  17. The department described the condition of the Kansas crop as good-to-excellent and predicted a harvest of 460.2 million bushels, a remarkable rebound from 213.6 million last year.
  18. They described the privileged lives of the Soviet political elite, and criticized Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev for moving too slowly in reforming Soviet society.
  19. In earlier rulings, the judge found that Hispanic agents were often relegated to what one Hispanic agent has described as the "taco circuit" - working in Hispanic neighborhoods or doing language translations.
  20. Atwater was described as alert and said to be receiving visitors following therapy.
  21. Deploying 1,200 MX missiles would cost the Soviets at least twice as much, and possibly four times as much, as it would cost the U.S. to deploy the missile defense system described in the Marshall Institute study.
  22. State police said they found a map and a spiral-bound notebook in which Clopton described killing at least two people, dismembering them and scattering their parts in rural areas of LaRue, Hardin and Nelson counties.
  23. An operator for the San Francisco AIDS Foundation described the more hopeful environment: "Previously, people might say, `Why be tested?
  24. Police sources last week who described the note did not say if it mntioned any difficulties with the IRS.
  25. Diplomats described a massive deployment of troops _ perhaps more than 50,000 _ to maintain tense order in the southwest along the border with Iraq.
  26. Yesterday's incident, which Russian coastguard officials described as 'necessary', suggests Moscow intends to take a tougher line in enforcing its sovereignty.
  27. He described them as a buffer between the brother Arab nations of Iraq and Saudi Arabia.
  28. Zorza, 46, was identified Thursday as one of 39 people in the New York area involved in swapping cocaine for heroin with the Sicilian Mafia in what U.S. authorities described as the biggest international drug bust ever.
  29. On Saturday, Aziz described the talks as "still in square one." Meanwhile, foreign ministers of the Gulf Cooperation Council met today for a second day in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for discussions focused on breaking the deadlock in Geneva.
  30. At the boarding house, neighbor Celia Lopez, 37, described Gonzalez as someone who did not seem to have many friends.
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