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 descriptive [di'skriptiv]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 描述的, 叙述的

  1. He told a very descriptive account of his journey.
  2. The report was so descriptive that I understood exactly.
  3. A list or itemized display, as of titles, course offerings, or articles for exhibition or sale, usually including descriptive information or illustrations.

[ adj ]
  1. serving to describe or inform or characterized by description

  2. <adj.all>
    the descriptive variable
    a descriptive passage
  3. describing the structure of a language

  4. <adj.all>
    descriptive grammar

Descriptive \De*scrip"tive\, a. [L. descriptivus: cf. F.
Tending to describe; having the quality of representing;
containing description; as, a descriptive figure; a
descriptive phrase; a descriptive narration; a story
descriptive of the age.

{Descriptive anatomy}, that part of anatomy which treats of
the forms and relations of parts, but not of their

{Descriptive geometry}, that branch of geometry. which treats
of the graphic solution of problems involving three
dimensions, by means of projections upon auxiliary planes.
--Davies & Peck (Math. Dict. ) -- {De*scrip"tive*ly}, adv.
-- {De*scrip"tive*ness}, n.

  1. "Ugly is not descriptive enough" to describe the marketplace, said Bryan Dutt, an oil-service analyst at Howard Weil Labouisse Friedrichs Inc. in New Orleans.
  2. They are also encouraged to write "descriptive, pithy and witty" comments.
  3. Against all odds, its 28 pages suggest the descriptive immensity of Tolstoy's herniator.
  4. The presentation is as thoughtful as it is tasteful, and the descriptive and explanatory texts are particularly informative.
  5. At the University of Chicago, a leader in this effort, students use descriptive computer models that show them how irrational factors can intrude into decision making, and to what extent.
  6. As he sheds his mortal raiments for ethereal attire, we hear some of the most descriptive music ever written.
  7. What makes the book a novel, more than a historical escape or a bald affirmation, is Mr. Skvorecky's descriptive power and narrative technique.
  8. The composition is frontal, insistent in its repetition and reinforcement of the architecture, at once formal and descriptive.
  9. He explored a vast range of styles and modes, ranging from fairly descriptive figuration to extreme abstraction.
  10. Mr. Ungar helped the group come up with a descriptive name, Comprehensive Psychological Services, and designed an ad that highlights one specialty for each member.
  11. He is a prose Whitman of the 20th century; and indeed acknowledges the connection, claiming America's great confessional poet as his 'ancestor'. Although his sexually descriptive books are not Miller's best, they performed several important functions.
  12. But his technique of throwing a descriptive searchlight over various people and scenes at a given moment is effective, and the book has a thousand charming details.
  13. Similarly, his portraits from this time and later lose spiritual force as they become more visually descriptive.
  14. But always obtain a fully descriptive receipt of your purchase.
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