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 describing 添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. Describing or portraying nudity or sexual activity in graphic detail.
  2. In, of, describing, described by, or related to a straight line.
  3. The soldiers sang a song of victory, describing their prowess in battle.

Describe \De*scribe"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Described}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Describing}.] [L. describere, descriptum; de- +
scribere to write: cf. OE. descriven, OF. descrivre, F.
d['e]crire. See {Scribe}, and cf. {Descry}.]
1. To represent by drawing; to draw a plan of; to delineate;
to trace or mark out; as, to describe a circle by the
compasses; a torch waved about the head in such a way as
to describe a circle.

2. To represent by words written or spoken; to give an
account of; to make known to others by words or signs; as,
the geographer describes countries and cities.

3. To distribute into parts, groups, or classes; to mark off;
to class. [Obs.]

Passed through the land, and described it by cities
into seven parts in a book. --Josh. xviii.

Syn: To set forth; represent; delineate; relate; recount;
narrate; express; explain; depict; portray; chracterize.

  1. "What are the chances of this person in Iowa calling a random number in Tempe and getting a recording" describing a suicide attempt?
  2. "It's a horse race every year," said Forbes spokesman Ray Healey, describing his magazine's rush to beat its rival. "Information of this kind is old in a matter of minutes.
  3. AFTER YEARS of looking at Caribbean beaches I have come to the conclusion that there are only a number of ways of describing them.
  4. Morison, who worked as a civilian for the Navy, also was convicted of the theft of the photos and government documents describing a May 1984 explosion at the Soviet Union's Severomorsk naval base.
  5. Mrs. Thatcher was at her most animated when describing her quarrelsome domestic political opposition.
  6. The document describing the fund was dated Feb. 16 and mailed to investors last week.
  7. Hours before his execution, Ted Bundy coolly traced his origins as a serial killer, describing how boyhood glimpses of violent pornography became "an addiction" that grew until his "destructive energy" exploded from fantasy into reality.
  8. "I grew up in the middle of nowhere," the 34-year-old Stormare said recently, describing the small Swedish village of Arbro where he was raised. "It was football or drinking wine and beer or going around in cars.
  9. He said other critics including professionals, readers and entertainers also will appear, along with stories describing what goes on behind the scenes in shows, songs and books.
  10. "I think what this man did is brilliant," Mutter said in describing the meticulous research Bundy performed in taking 80 or 90 depositions during one of his trials.
  11. Washington Quite a few "over" words come to mind in describing this or any recent Olympics.
  12. In describing his intentions, explaining their rationale and acknowledging that the project was a mistake and personal failure, Mr. Reagan has preserved his compact with the electorate.
  13. Other than describing the meeting as "very cordial," the Vatican released no details of the private half-hour audience with President Felix Houphouet-Boigny.
  14. Politicians and industrialists who have been describing the trade deficit as an unmitigated evil should try to keep the investment factor in mind.
  15. Housing Secretary Jack Kemp announced the step Sunday as he released a report describing actions public housing authorities around the country are already taking to solve drug-related problems.
  16. "He reiterated U.S. support for their democracies and for President Perez's courageous and determined efforts to address his country's economic and financial situation," Fitzwater said, when describing the call between the two presidents.
  17. A decade later, a character on the hit network sitcom "Designing Women" used a derivative of one of those words in describing another character who was obsessed with enlarging her bosom.
  18. Along with the date, location and other practical details, each kit included a reprint of a Harvard Business Review article called "Black Managers: The Dream Deferred," describing black corporate experiences.
  19. Razo testified that he confessed to the robberies in a drug-driven schizophrenic episode, describing crimes actually committed by a friend and drug dealer, Richard Longoria.
  20. But Paskistan says it supports the separatism, describing it as a movement for self-determination.
  21. "She stayed awake for the whole thing," Bush said in describing Tuesday's mid-air drama.
  22. He hits a nerve describing tenderfooted efforts by the U.S. free trade caucus to convert official Japan to its way of thinking.
  23. Thanks for describing how anti-abortion organizations forced the closing of family-planning clinics in California and are close to doing so in several other states.
  24. A Honduran intelligence report, obtained by The Associated from Honduran military sources, describing Nicaragua as a military threat to the entire region.
  25. "Out of the Barrio" is an important contribution to the literature describing that fragmentation.
  26. Negative publicity, including editorials in large newspapers and Ms. Frischette's appearance on an Oprah Winfrey show describing her plight, apparently convinced the airline to soften its hard line.
  27. "He obviously is hopeful the process will move" toward repatriation, Aronson said, describing Callejas as optimistic about the matter.
  28. But the mood suddenly turned somber as Mr. Milken acknowledged guilt and began describing his crimes.
  29. Too often the antitrust suits in the period I am describing were brought by or on behalf of inefficient competitors against their deservedly more successful rivals.
  30. So he began his speech by describing the Conservative Wirtschaftswunder. Familiar it may be, but it still sounds miraculous.
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