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 description [dis'kripʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 描述, 说明, 种类

[经] 说明书(物品), 品名种类, 货物名称

  1. The supermarket sells goods of all descriptions.
  2. The beauty of the sunrise is beyond description.
  3. This girl gave a vivid description of the event.

[ noun ]
  1. a statement that represents something in words

  2. <noun.communication>
  3. the act of describing something

  4. <noun.communication>
  5. sort or variety

  6. <noun.cognition>
    every description of book was there

Description \De*scrip"tion\, n. [F. description, L. descriptio.
See {Describe}.]
1. The act of describing; a delineation by marks or signs.

2. A sketch or account of anything in words; a portraiture or
representation in language; an enumeration of the
essential qualities of a thing or species.

Milton has descriptions of morning. --D. Webster.

3. A class to which a certain representation is applicable;
kind; sort.

A difference . . . between them and another
description of public creditors. --A. Hamilton.

The plates were all of the meanest description.

Syn: Account; definition; recital; relation; detail;
narrative; narration; explanation; delineation;
representation; kind; sort. See {Definition}.

  1. Stuart, who was shot in the stomach, provided a description of an assailant, and the crime riveted the nation as a chilling example of urban violence.
  2. Police said they stopped the car because Papa and Rampersant matched the description of a holdup team that had stolen $10 and a ring from a woman on a Coney Island street six days earlier.
  3. Elf fits the description."
  4. He said he had seen no details of the plan but that based on NBC officials' description, "I think it's terrific."
  5. She lived long enough to give police a description of her assailant.
  6. Mr. Adham is frequently described as a former Arab spymaster, but neither part of that description is true.
  7. The initial Hollywood Reporter story included a description of a movie that Jackson supposedly would make with the troika of Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and Francis Ford Coppola.
  8. Three longer, more demanding works, literally extraordinary are worth getting to know in these high-definition performances. Satie called his Socrate a 'symphonic drama' but the description would hardly have occurred to anyone else.
  9. On the left side, news of the World Bank and safeguarding the environment; also included, a brief description of the deforestation of Haiti.
  10. "There are some where there's basically just a description and not much artwork.
  11. The detailed, slow-motion description of his destructive tools takes on a curious, pregnant intensity.
  12. It is a minimal description in polite words of what is going on," he said.
  13. "Perhaps I am," Burnett said when asked later by a reporter about the description. "Perhaps sometimes I can do good things and sometimes I can do stupid things." Burnett must report for prison Jan. 2.
  14. North said that the prosecutor was basing his questions on a "very cryptic description of four hours of conversation." He said he could not remember details of the interview.
  15. His description matched exactly Mattox's inventory of Lukens' campaign tactics.
  16. The standard "textbook" description of the way in which a tax cut would stimulate the economy includes a rise of interest rates.
  17. In addition, the commentary said, there are "other objects so incredible and abominable that the most elemental good taste prevents their description in a newspaper.
  18. The description is nothing like the reality.
  19. His description of the lesbian movement as "extraordinarily popular on some college campuses" is meaningless and imprecise.
  20. Hypercard then will find the appropriate picture and description and go into as much detail as the student wishes to view, right down to the activities in individual cells.
  21. Less successful is her description of how Robert Stempel, now GM's president, fought off hostile superiors to decentralize the Buick-Oldsmobile-Cadillac group that he ran after GM's 1984 reorganization.
  22. The family was already concerned that it was not her because Scottish authorities' description of the clothing on the body didn't seem to match Ms. Hunt's clothes.
  23. "Then there's description of the quality of that product.
  24. Here is a brief description of housing markets in six areas: Boston: Sales were stronger in the last three months of 1987 compared with a year earlier, and preliminary figures for early this year suggest stability.
  25. Lunching with his elder brother at Cambridge one day, Penrose impressed Denis Sciama, a cosmologist, by questioning Hoyle's description of galaxies disappearing over the horizon of the universe. 'I drew a picture to show it didn't make sense.
  26. "Reptiles and Amphibians Eastern/Central North America" (Houghton Mifflin Co., 450 pages, $17.95) gives a detailed description of 595 species and subspecies.
  27. Mr. Feinberg's description of Mr. Hoover as a "world-class fearmonger" is a gross misjudgment of this great man.
  28. He said such a description fits depictions of child pornography, bestiality or sado-masochism.
  29. Police gave chase because his car matched the description given for the suspect in Ms. Williams' shooting.
  30. The description could be applied to Sir Colin Southgate, Thorn's chairman. Sir Colin's unfulfilled desire is for his work in recasting Thorn to be recognised.
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