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 corridor ['kɔrɪdɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 走廊, 回廊, 人口密集地带

  1. The corridor opens into his office.
  2. My room is at the end of the corridor.
  3. I'm a bit suspicious about the package that's been left in the corridor.

[ noun ]
an enclosed passageway; rooms usually open onto it

Corridor \Cor"ri*dor\ (k?r"r?-d?r or -d?r), n. [F., fr. Itt.
corridpore, or Sp. corredor; prop., a runner, hence, a
running or long line, a gallery, fr. L. currere to run. See
1. (Arch.) A gallery or passageway leading to several
apartments of a house.

2. (Fort.) The covered way lying round the whole compass of
the fortifications of a place. [R.]

3. any relatively narrow passageway or route, such as a strip
of land through a foreign territory.

4. a densely populated stretch of land; as, the Northeast
corridor, extending from Richmond, Virginia into Maine.

  1. After the candidates have sparred, reporters leap from their TV monitors into "Spin Valley," a corridor lined with TV cameras where aides descend to tell us what really happened.
  2. Among the biggest rate cuts are ones on the busy Chicago-Los Angeles corridor, where rates for some carriers plunged from about $1,500 for some of the bigger containers two years ago to $1,200 to $1,000 now.
  3. The mayor ordered 11 photographs in a Vietnam War exhibit that made some people "literally sick to their stomach" moved from City Hall lobbies to a less traveled corridor, an official said Friday.
  4. Alfredo Saitto, said the Italian ship could not determine whether the Iranian airliner was flying outside the commercial air corridor, as Italian officials had said Monday.
  5. Another dispute centered on whether the airliner, which Howard described as 27 minutes off schedule, was within the commercial air corridor.
  6. After the shooting, the man waved the deputy's pistol at clerks and a janitor and fired a shot in a corridor, Bowles said.
  7. The Iranian airliner shot down by a U.S. warship in the Persian Gulf stayed within its commercial air corridor, but was sending radio identification signals on a military frequency identified with F-14 fighter jets, Pentagon officials said Tuesday.
  8. The road then becomes a military supply corridor with long processions of trucks and tanks and armored personnel carriers.
  9. Home Minister Buta Singh, whose ministry is responsible for internal security, told reporters the government would carve out a 100-yard corridor around the temple complex to try to keep extremists from using the shrine as a hideout.
  10. The Rhone-Poulenc plant is 11 miles west of downtown Charleston along a 15-mile corridor lined with more than two dozen chemical plants on the Kanawha River.
  11. The two groups produced a statement supporting a 186-mile-wide "nuclear-free" corridor along the border of the two Germanys, to be cleared, theoretically, if the SPD ever returns to government.
  12. Mr. Costescu, a stocky man with silver hair, lives, eats and drinks baseball in a little office at the end of a dark corridor on the seventh floor of the gloomy Ministry of Sports building, where the elevator rarely works.
  13. Only about 3,000 American males play hockey, mostly in California and along the Northeast corridor from Washington to southern Connecticut.
  14. The suspect aircraft was outside the prescribed commercial air corridor.
  15. A LAND-AIR BATTLE steams ahead on lucrative Northeast corridor routes.
  16. The investigative agency also urged interim requirements, pending the equipping of Conrail and other trains operating in the Boston-Washington corridor with automatic control devices.
  17. A task force on violence appointed by Hunter proposed adopting a dress code along with other measures after a student was shot in a corridor at Edmondson-Westside High School in October.
  18. Landlocked Zimbabwe receives most of its fuel suppliers from a corridor pipeline despite repeated sabotage by the guerrillas.
  19. According to reports from the Communist daily Junge Welt, the East German skating champion will host a rock concert "for a nuclear weapon-free corridor in central Europe."
  20. Witnesses said he told the class to separate by sex and sent the men into the corridor before opening fire, killing six more women.
  21. The primary corridor sought is a road extending sought from the Red Sea port of Massawa, which is controlled by the Mengistu government, into Tigray.
  22. Seventy villagers were killed, including 50 children crushed in a grade school corridor as they ran from collapsing classrooms.
  23. The city is just 20 miles from the border, in an air corridor so sensitive that Jovic, head of the U.N. observers, flew from Baghdad to Tehran via Turkey.
  24. Police said he first shot a woman in a second-floor corridor, then entered a room on that floor where a class with about 50 male and 10 female students was in session.
  25. Amtrak trains on the Northeast corridor were standing-room only. "All the beaches are filled.
  26. He is now in the process of closing 221 stores _ about one-third of the chain's 679 stores _ a move that will cut 18,000 workers and streamline the now-rambling Ames into a Northeast corridor chain.
  27. Last month, Japan Mobile Communications, also known as IDO, signed a contract with Motorola to supply cellular equipment but only for the corridor between Tokyo and Japan's central city of Nagoya.
  28. 'You've got to eat your kasha,' one said, chasing me down the corridor.
  29. Optimists talk about a 'corridor' extending from Oak Ridge to Knoxville, home of the University of Tennessee - no doubt hoping to emulate the successful Austin-San Antonio high-tech corridor in Texas.
  30. Optimists talk about a 'corridor' extending from Oak Ridge to Knoxville, home of the University of Tennessee - no doubt hoping to emulate the successful Austin-San Antonio high-tech corridor in Texas.
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