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 corroboration [kә,rɒbә'reiʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 确实, 确证, 确证的事实

[法] 加强证据, 独立证据, 确证

  1. In corroboration of his story (ie to give support to it) he produced a signed statement from his employer.
    为了进一步证明他所说的是事实, 他出示了一份雇主签了字的文件.
  2. His possession of the gun is corroboration of his guilt.
  3. Monroe has been able to find corroboration.

[ noun ]
confirmation that some fact or statement is true through the use of documentary evidence

Corroboration \Cor*rob`o*ra"tion\ (k?r-r?b`?-r?"sh?n), n. [Cf.
F. corroboration.]
1. The act of corroborating, strengthening, or confirming;
addition of strength; confirmation; as, the corroboration
of an argument, or of information.

2. That which corroborates.

  1. Thanks to this week's gains, the index is now about two-thirds of the way back towards its peak outperformance. Corporate corroboration of the smaller company investment story came with several items of company news.
  2. "There's an impressive amount of corroboration in their stories.
  3. Information "uncovered during this inquiry provides enough corroboration to cast doubt upon the veracity of the U.S. government's conclusion," said the report by the Republican staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
  4. Pfizer settled the matter with the BBB, agreeing "in the spirit of cooperation" to withdraw the ads pending further corroboration, Mr. Susman says.
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