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 corrode [kə'rod]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 使腐蚀, 侵蚀, 破坏

vi. 被侵蚀, 起腐蚀作用

[医] 腐蚀

  1. Iron corrodes easily.
  2. This acid may corrode iron.
  3. Acid causes metal to corrode.


Corrode \Cor*rode"\ (k?r-r?d") v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Corroded};
p. pr. & vb. n. {Corroding}.] [L. corrodere, -rosum; cor +
rodere to gnaw: cf. F. corroder. See {Rodent}.]
1. To eat away by degrees; to wear away or diminish by
gradually separating or destroying small particles of, as
by action of a strong acid or a caustic alkali.

Aqua fortis corroding copper . . . is wont to reduce
it to a green-blue solution. --Boyle.

2. To consume; to wear away; to prey upon; to impair.

Corrode \Cor*rode"\, v. i.
To have corrosive action; to be subject to corrosion.

{Corroding lead}, lead sufficiently pure to be used in making
white lead by a process of corroding.

Syn: To canker; gnaw; rust; waste; wear away.

  1. His hormones corrode his judgment, and he finds himself framed for murder.
  2. Architects put no roofs in the western towers, leaving rain and bird droppings, which corrode stone, free to ooze down to ground level.
  3. Subaru said continuous exposure to road salt may corrode the rear suspension of the cars, making them difficult to steer.
  4. And Mazda is recalling 17,850 of its 1986 and 1987 RX-7 models to repair front-brake calipers that could corrode in locations where roads are salted heavily.
  5. Or attack and corrode it? Three decades of trying to harness these infuriating materials have convinced Rolls-Royce engineers that success can lie only in an integrated approach to development, design and manufacture of a particular part.
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