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 corroded [kə'rəudid添加此单词到默认生词本
adj. 侵蚀的,已被腐蚀的

  1. The abrupt corrupt man had the Xeroxed code corroded in the erosion episode .
  2. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days.
  3. Acidity material corrodes metallic airframe easily, once airframe is corroded can expand, go up coating thereby, bring about coating large area to fall off.

[ adj ]
eaten away as by acid or oxidation

Corrode \Cor*rode"\ (k?r-r?d") v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Corroded};
p. pr. & vb. n. {Corroding}.] [L. corrodere, -rosum; cor +
rodere to gnaw: cf. F. corroder. See {Rodent}.]
1. To eat away by degrees; to wear away or diminish by
gradually separating or destroying small particles of, as
by action of a strong acid or a caustic alkali.

Aqua fortis corroding copper . . . is wont to reduce
it to a green-blue solution. --Boyle.

2. To consume; to wear away; to prey upon; to impair.

damaged \damaged\ (d[a^]m"[asl]jd), adj.
1. changed so as to reduce value, function, or other
desirable trait; -- usually not used of persons. Opposite
of {undamaged}. [Narrower terms: {battered, beat-up,
beaten-up, bedraggled, broken-down, dilapidated,
ramshackle, tumble-down, unsound}; {bent, crumpled,
dented}; {blasted, rent, ripped, torn}; {broken-backed};
{burned-out(prenominal), burned out(predicate),
burnt-out(prenominal), burnt out(predicate)}; {burst,
ruptured}; {corroded}; {cracked, crackled, crazed};
{defaced, marred}; {hurt, weakened};
{knocked-out(prenominal), knocked out}; {mangled,
mutilated}; {peeling}; {scraped, scratched};
{storm-beaten}] Also See {blemished}, {broken}, {damaged},
{destroyed}, {impaired}, {injured}, {unsound}.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. Rendered imperfect by impairing the integrity of some
part, or by breaking. Opposite of {unbroken}. [Narrower
terms: {busted}; {chipped}; {cracked}; {crumbled,
fragmented}; {crushed, ground}; {dissolved}; {fractured};
{shattered, smashed, splintered}; {split}; {unkept,
violated}] Also See: {damaged}, {imperfect}, {injured},

Syn: broken.
[WordNet 1.5]

3. being unjustly brought into disrepute; as, her damaged

Syn: discredited.
[WordNet 1.5]

4. made to appear imperfect; -- especially of reputation; as,
the senator's seriously damaged reputation.

Syn: besmirched, flyblown, spotted, stained, sullied,
tainted, tarnished.
[WordNet 1.5]

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