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 burdock ['bɚ`dɑk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 牛蒡

[医] 牛蒡[根]

  1. Qingdao Chengjunxiuli Food Co., Ltd is specialized in the vegetable processing, fresh-keeping and exported in carrot, taro, onion, cabbage, radish, burdock, green cauliflower, ginger, and so on.

[ noun ]
any of several erect biennial herbs of temperate Eurasia having stout taproots and producing burs

Burdock \Bur"dock\, n. [Bur + dock the plant.] (Bot.)
A genus of coarse biennial herbs ({Lappa}), bearing small
burs which adhere tenaciously to clothes, or to the fur or
wool of animals.

Note: The common burdock is the {Lappa officinalis}.

  1. For their part, the islanders dream of driving Toyotas along the bumpy dirt roads past the giant burdock, a rhubarb-like plant covering the island.
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