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 bureaucrat ['bjʊrə`kræt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 官僚作风的人, 官僚, 官僚主义者

[法] 官僚, 官僚作风的人

  1. He is an omnipotent bureaucrat.
  2. I suppose my application has been lost by some incompetent bureaucrat.
  3. I suppose my application have been lost by some incompetent bureaucrat.

[ noun ]
an official of a bureaucracy

Bureaucrat \Bu*reau"crat\, n.
An official of a bureau; esp. an official confirmed in a
narrow and arbitrary routine. --C. Kingsley.

  1. It follows the bizarre train of events set in motion when the Berlin dignitary Voswinkel decides to marry off his daughter Albertine. Voswinkel's favourite suitor is Thusman, a grotesque old bureaucrat.
  2. In "Rambo II," he was stranded in enemy territory by a cynical, lying, high-level bureaucrat who was covering up the presence of American prisoners in Vietnam.
  3. The most bitter dispute during the House-Senate conference that resolved the $166 billion savings and loan bailout earlier this month didn't involve money or points of principle, but the job security of a single federal bureaucrat.
  4. Even so, the most despised character in the Yukon isn't the faceless bureaucrat but the sluice thief.
  5. Wetlands are a special problem, with Justice prosecuting people who clear rubbish off what some bureaucrat designates as a wetland.
  6. In 1974 he was appointed head of the French Treasury. According to one former monetary official in Washington, Mr de Larosiere is a disciplined bureaucrat.
  7. For top managers, too, the role change from bureaucrat to visionary is a stressful one.
  8. Rambo finds several and rescues one, annoying treacherous Washington bureaucrat who peevishly orders a rescue helicopter to strand Rambo in enemy territory.
  9. All too often, he adds, the agency's power is brought to bear against those whose chief crime is that they "offend the sensibilities of an agency bureaucrat." Burnham blames Congress for many IRS problems.
  10. That solution always has been rejected by congressmen who felt their worth was no less than a judge's or a bureaucrat's.
  11. He's Jerzy Wasilewski, the one bureaucrat in the railroad's Warsaw offices who is nuts about steam.
  12. And wheat? An EC bureaucrat bristles when asked.
  13. If an industrialist wants a license, he can bribe a bureaucrat.
  14. "He's an all-around player." Another ministry bureaucrat describes Mr. Chino as a "model bureaucrat," who gets support from his subordinates for nearly every decision.
  15. "He's an all-around player." Another ministry bureaucrat describes Mr. Chino as a "model bureaucrat," who gets support from his subordinates for nearly every decision.
  16. Top civil servants don't normally like to rile their prime ministers, but then Sir Tim Lankester is hardly a conventional bureaucrat.
  17. The chief bureaucrat at the EEC headquarters in the Belgian capital, Commisssioner Jacques Delors, is a French socialist.
  18. An academic economist and career bureaucrat, he dislikes dealing with the dirt in Indian politics.
  19. He described himself as just 'another former bureaucrat without formal standing in baseball.'
  20. But no bureaucrat has gone as far as Mr Khairnar, openly attacking someone as powerful as the chief minister.
  21. Three men in stripy suits and short socks arrive early at the council's office: a unionist, a bureaucrat and a private businessman who breeds minks.
  22. That critic was a young budget ministry bureaucrat named Carlos Salinas.
  23. Besides the $5,000 prize for the contest winner, Lesko promised $500 to each of two runners-up, a plaque for the winning "favorite bureaucrat" and a free list of the government's two dozen best sources of information for every contest participant.
  24. Wilson's campaign slogan, "a better leader for tomorrow because he teaches today," cuts to the heart of his argument that Geiger is too much the bureaucrat, too long gone from the classroom.
  25. You will be riveted by the others as well, but the crowning triumph belongs to Langhoff who resists the temptation to turn the visiting magistrate into an over-heavy bureaucrat.
  26. The embattled bureaucrat, former heroin addict Julio Martinez, was quickly given a new state job by Cuomo at a "comparable" salary.
  27. Clements, an ex-corporate bureaucrat from ICI, is an archetypal nice chap.
  28. A high school dropout, he became a master's laureate, Korean War veteran and former Miami Beach hotelier, vice cop, and county police patrolman before becoming a career federal bureaucrat.
  29. "By what instructions do you destroy portraits?" asks the captain, ever the fearful bureaucrat.
  30. She it was who fended off every bureaucrat, mainland or local, who tried to tamper with Sark's ways.
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