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 bureaucratic [bjuәrәu'krætik]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 官僚的

[经] 机僚化的

  1. It is necessary to get rid of bureaucratic practices.
  2. Inefficient bureaucratic administrations would be phased out.
  3. But the judge had no stomach for bureaucratic infighting(particularly with the Pentagon, which controls most of his intelligence budget plus its own) and not much feel for how to fit secret information into policy debates.

[ adj ]
of or relating to or resembling a bureaucrat or bureaucracy
his bureaucratic behavior annoyed his colleaguesa bureaucratic nightmare

Bureaucratic \Bu`reau*crat"ic\, Bureaucratical
\Bu`reau*crat"ic*al\, a. [Cf. F. bureaucratique.]
Of, relating to, or resembling, a bureaucracy.

  1. Their failure to share information is more than a bureaucratic tangle.
  2. The recognition process has proved to be a bureaucratic nightmare for the more than 100 tribes that have applied, mostly small tribes from the East and West coasts.
  3. Bristol-Myers blamed bureaucratic sluggishness at the FDA for the delay.
  4. The membership of the rival groups is almost the same, and companies say the bureaucratic competition delays progress.
  5. It must fight free of both Loadsamoney philistinism and bureaucratic politicking.
  6. (How do all those bureaucratic processes fit with de-regulation?) With such a confused market we cannot expect companies to be clear about the best ways of reporting.
  7. But it also fostered a bureaucratic mentality and an aversion to risk-taking. 'To avoid risks, you put in lots of traps,' says Moulson.
  8. "We had a lot of characteristics that were bureaucratic, paternal, risk-averse."
  9. His economic liberalizations got mired in bureaucratic tangles and he decided to delay new ones until he got a fresh mandate.
  10. They must not be hedged about with any more bureaucratic delay.
  11. "Successful export performance depends on rapid reaction, and big companies can't act quickly because of bureaucratic procedures."
  12. The RTC already is involved in 40,000 lawsuits, inherited from its bureaucratic predecessors or the S&Ls it's taking over.
  13. Say, too, that you overcame bureaucratic delays and satisfied government regulators.
  14. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the regulator of futures exchanges, could be the loser in a bureaucratic shakeup.
  15. Reforms have become increasingly necessary, because the expansion of Korea's economy has made it much more difficult to manage by bureaucratic fiat. 'We need to build a new economic structure appropriate to democracy.
  16. When Mr. Dobbs explained that the disease is not highly contagious, the officer yelled back: "That's a lot of bureaucratic bull."
  17. The measure was passed in an effort to control burgeoning bureaucratic corruption.
  18. They also occur because of bureaucratic "turf battles" within NASA and among government agencies.
  19. "The crux of economic renewal in Vietnam lies in the transition from a bureaucratic, centrally planned economy to a market economy regulated at the macro-level by the state," he said.
  20. Hungary's economic reforms preceded those being implemented by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev by more than two decades, but recently they have been hampered by bureaucratic inertia.
  21. Economics and bureaucratic chaos were at least as important in causing the clamor for standards during the 1930s, he said.
  22. Those bureaucratic words have taken on new irony given what is now known about what was happening at the time. Instead of improved "oversight," documents were withheld from Congress.
  23. However the Coface system is extremely bureaucratic and, in practice, most of its customers tend to be large companies.
  24. "Often, it gets to be a real bureaucratic problem," said the adviser, who declined to be identified by name.
  25. But the stodgy, corrupt, bureaucratic Soviet system did not allow them to put novel, productive ideas into practice.
  26. After the end of the Iran-Iraq war, Rome and Baghdad reached an agreement in 1989 on delivery of all the ships. But partly for bureaucratic reasons, one still sits in the port of Alexandria, Egypt, while the other 10 are in the Italian port of La Spezia.
  27. The Foreign Ministry's bureaucratic reflex is to look for middle-ground compromises that take into account competing interests.
  28. That means a considerable bureaucratic effort is required to trace every home of each animal.
  29. "We have initial results from the study by the bureaucratic interagency process," he said on NBC-TV's "Meet The Press."
  30. Gingrich said he is trying to convince Americans of all political stripes that "the bureaucratic welfare state and permissive attitudes" are responsible for many of today's problems.
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