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 bureau ['bjuәrәu]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 局, 办公处

[经] 局, 司, 处

  1. He worked in a travel bureau.
  2. The goods were inspected by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau before shipment.
  3. Tax official: This is the foreign tax bureau.

[ noun ]
  1. an administrative unit of government

  2. <noun.group>
    the Central Intelligence Agency
    the Census Bureau
    Office of Management and Budget
    Tennessee Valley Authority
  3. furniture with drawers for keeping clothes

  4. <noun.artifact>

Bureau \Bu"reau\, n.; pl. E. {Bureaus}, F. {Bureaux}. [F. bureau
a writing table, desk, office, OF., drugget, with which a
writing table was often covered, equiv. to F. bure, and fr.
OF. buire dark brown, the stuff being named from its color,
fr. L. burrus red, fr. Gr. ? flame-colored, prob. fr. ? fire.
See {Fire}, n., and cf. {Borel}, n.]
1. Originally, a desk or writing table with drawers for
papers. --Swift.

2. The place where such a bureau is used; an office where
business requiring writing is transacted.

3. Hence: A department of public business requiring a force
of clerks; the body of officials in a department who labor
under the direction of a chief.

Note: On the continent of Europe, the highest departments, in
most countries, have the name of bureaux; as, the
Bureau of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. In England
and America, the term is confined to inferior and
subordinate departments; as, the ``Pension Bureau,'' a
subdepartment of the Department of the Interior. [Obs.]
In Spanish, bureo denotes a court of justice for the
trial of persons belonging to the king's household.

4. A chest of drawers for clothes, especially when made as an
ornamental piece of furniture. [U.S.]

{Bureau system}. See {Bureaucracy}.

{Bureau Veritas}, an institution, in the interest of maritime
underwriters, for the survey and rating of vessels all
over the world. It was founded in Belgium in 1828, removed
to Paris in 1830, and re["e]stablished in Brussels in

  1. They're our main target," bureau director John Savich said Tuesday.
  2. An earlier report by the bureau showed that employment costs in private industry rose 3.3% last year after a 3.2% gain in 1986; the increase in these costs had been shrinking each year since 1981, when they rose 9.8%.
  3. Marcus Eliason, London news editor for The Associated Press since 1988, has been named the AP's bureau chief in Jerusalem.
  4. The government is settling a lawsuit filed by the widow of a Communist Party leader who was ostracized by his colleagues after the bureau planted a forged document falsely suggesting the man was an informant.
  5. China has set up a new state bureau to oversee efforts to reduce the number of shoddy, substandard goods on the market and help Chinese products meet international quality standards, an official daily said Wednesday.
  6. In a 17-page memorandum, U.S. District Judge Lucius Bunton ruled that FBI agents requested a grand jury subpoena during an internal investigation of agent Bernardo Perez after he and other Hispanic agents sued the bureau.
  7. "I didn't realize the Congress works so slowly to make policy," said Miroslaw Luczka, a member of the Polish senate's investigations bureau in Warsaw.
  8. The South African government has agreed to allow The New York Times to reopen its bureau there after imposing a ban on the newspaper's coverage more than a year ago.
  9. On July 10, Labor's leadership bureau voted in favor of leaving the government.
  10. Tom Wells is bureau chief for The Associated Press in Colombia.
  11. But the FBI chief told lawmakers that he and other senior bureau managers didn't find out about the documents until last week, according to two members of the committee.
  12. Under the heading "board governance," for example, the bureau now lists eight different specifications, including a minimum of five voting members and a policy of pluralism within the board and staff.
  13. The agreement in U.S. District Court covers 248 present and former employees of the bureau.
  14. The FBI is harassing a decorated agent with allegations of espionage to sabotage an investigation into anti-Hispanic bias at the bureau, the agent's attorney says.
  15. Thomas Morford, director of the agency's health standards and quality bureau, said it would be unfair and inaccurate to label the facilities whose death rates were outside the projected ranges as the nation's best or worst hospitals.
  16. "When Gorbachev wasn't paraphrasing Yakovlev, he was quoting him directly," says Rodolfo Brancoli, an author and former Moscow bureau chief for the Italian daily La Republica.
  17. The bureau said it "believes that Saunders is paying Stone for this information." The Navy has begun actions to suspend Stone without pay, the Pentagon said Monday.
  18. It's worthwhile paying to have this taken care of: a bureau takes on the risks and the problems of day-to-day operation.
  19. The bureau is still reviewing the uses of all types of imported semiautomatics but has not reached a decision on whether to suspend importation of more models than the five types banned from import this week, said Jerry Rudden, a spokesman for the agency.
  20. But the bureau said its trend estimate, which removes irregular factors from the data, continued to indicate a decline in unemployment.
  21. Philip Verveer, a former chief of the common carrier bureau, said the FCC "isn't well equipped" to make trade decisions.
  22. While saying 1988 would be a good year for newspapers, Craig Standen, president of the bureau, told an industry gathering in Toronto, "we aren't as optimistic as we were at the start" of the year.
  23. The bureau estimates that more than half of the missing persons, 1.7 million, were black males.
  24. Just as with Bureau of Labor Statistics, administration officials, including the secretary of the department, would not have authority to review or alter reports by the new environmental data bureau before they are released.
  25. When Lily decides to try registering to vote, the resistance she meets at the election bureau is cool and guarded.
  26. The average retail-price increase for the first six months was 3.2%, down from the 25.5% increase for the same period last year, the bureau said.
  27. Median family income last year was $30,850, up from $30,534 the year before, the bureau said.
  28. Sessions, testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee, vowed to institute changes that would keep top bureau officials fully apprised of sensitive terrorism investigations that might impinge on constitutional rights.
  29. Foote worked in the Post's Loudoun County bureau and covered real estate development in the Washington area for two years.
  30. EDITOR`S NOTE _ Terrence Petty, a newsman in the Frankfurt bureau of The Associated Press, has been reporting on German issues since 1987.
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