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 bouquet [bu'kei]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 花束

[医] 丛, 酒香, 末梢分极

  1. In his speech there were bouquets for everyone who had helped him.
  2. Ribbon hung from the bride's bouquet was tied in a bow.
  3. The characteristic smell of a wine or liqueur; bouquet.

[ noun ]
  1. an arrangement of flowers that is usually given as a present

  2. <noun.artifact>
  3. a pleasingly sweet olfactory property

  4. <noun.attribute>

Bouquet \Bou*quet"\, n. [F. bouquet bunch, bunch of flowers,
trees, feathers, for bousquet, bosquet, thicket, a little
wood, dim. of LL. boscus. See {Bush} thicket, and cf.
{Bosket}, {Busket}.]
1. A nosegay; a bunch of flowers.

2. A perfume; an aroma; as, the bouquet of wine.

  1. Five years ago: President Reagan paid his first visit to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, placing a bouquet of yellow and pink flowers in the gap between the monument's granite walls.
  2. A steady rain fell as Akihito, accompanied by Empress Michiko, bowed deeply and placed a bouquet of white flowers on a dark granite cenotaph before the monument.
  3. Plastic plates and cups and a bouquet of cloth flowers were set out next to a busy food line.
  4. Antoni Miralda's installation in the Spanish pavilion, complete with a large fetishistic shoe and a giant bouquet of pink flowers, makes a nod toward radical social critique but remains rooted in kitsch.
  5. Her comrades at the Soviet commercial office, having given her a bouquet of tulips and carnations, had gathered on the platform.
  6. Select instead a bouquet of porcini mushrooms, a pair of smoked quail or a basket of prickly pears.
  7. But I said, `Yes it is, it's got the dented fender.' "I still had my bouquet in hand and I jumped out in my wedding gown," Mrs. Jones said.
  8. Kramer makes it painlessly symbolical: in a close huddle, the singing nuns (twice too many of them) advance slowly from furthest rear-stage, two or three of them faint dead at each audible crash of the blade, like flowers dropping from a bouquet.
  9. A young Algerian girl gave Arafat a bouquet of flowers.
  10. At the shelter, Mrs. Bush was welcomed by resident Adelina Lunati, 65, who presented her with a bouquet of flowers.
  11. There was broccoli, broccoli everywhere Monday at the White House _ broccoli on the lawn, broccoli in the boutonnieres, broccoli in the bouquet in Barbara Bush's hand.
  12. In an open-air area outside the box sat a kitchen table decorated with a bouquet of wilted flowers inside a juice jar.
  13. As part of the celebration, about 20 high school girls will compete for the title of Crape Myrtle Queen, with the winner receiving a bouquet from the flowering trees.
  14. Verhoef exclaimed after hearing the judge issue the order in the courtroom, where he was handed a bouquet of pink roses by supporters.
  15. There Kohl laid a bouquet in memory of war victims before addressing the flag-waving crowd.
  16. Reagan signed autographs for the children after being greeted by two sisters with a bouquet of daisies.
  17. The Marche aux Ternes is open until quite late in the evening so, if you need to pick up a posy or bouquet on your way to dinner, it is usually worth considering a detour.
  18. It is untrue." Walters later asked reporters: "Do you think this is a bouquet of roses hanging under the wing?" "We have photographs which prove that the planes were armed," he said.
  19. Under a brilliant blue sky, Roh was handed a bouquet of flowers by 8-year-old Diane Lieu, a San Francisco youngster clad in a Korean costume of red and gold.
  20. The '76 at the lunch had medium gold colour, a very distinguished bouquet, and luscious, complete flavour, the best vintage until '83. Threshers lists the 1991 at Pounds 21.99 a bottle.
  21. Four robbers in ski masks even took the bridal bouquet and the top of the wedding cake, police and family members said.
  22. Peace activists also handed Nathan a bouquet of flowers and an olive branch.
  23. Such champagnes could be bargains but, as with some I have tried, they may be coarse and short in bouquet and taste.
  24. Placing a bouquet of daisies on his copper crypt, she kisses it three times, bows twice and bids adieu until next week.
  25. Also present were young boy and girl scouts, who presented Bush a bouquet of red and white roses, the colors that make up the Polish flag. "This kid speaks beautiful English," Bush could be heard saying about one child.
  26. A cartoon in the Kyunghyang Shimun, a major newspaper, showed Mr. Miyazawa, backed by the Japanese Imperial Military flag, fondling a Korean girl welcoming him with a bouquet of flowers.
  27. Sprinkle on the rest of the flour, pour on the liquids and bring to simmering point, stirring occasionally. When the liquid is simmering steadily, add the bouquet garni, some salt and pepper.
  28. The only sign of celebration following the announcement at the plant was the arrival of a congratulatory bouquet of balloons, which was sent, according to the delivery woman, by Xerox Corp.
  29. The ZDF television network said the knife had been concealed in a bouquet of flowers.
  30. About 10 demonstrators, protesting illegally on the Parliament grounds, startled Momper's security detachment when they abruptly unfurled a banner that had been hidden in a bouquet of flowers the demonstrators tried to press on Momper.
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