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 Bourdons test 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Roger Rabbit is "the new thing in back-to-school," says Angela Bourdon of Kids R Us, Paramus, N.J.; he's giving Mickey Mouse stiff competition in lunchbox and backpack sales.
    2. Though older game cartridges such as "Zelda" and "Punch Out" are included in the clearance, "the hot ones like Super Mario Brothers 3 have not been discounted," Bourdon said.
    3. Angela Bourdon, spokeswoman for retailer Toys R Us, said Game Boy has been a strong seller since its release in August.
    4. "A lot of these people came 700 or 800 miles," said Don Bourdon of Woodstock, Vt., who made the 250-mile trip in his 1913 Stanley Mountain Wagon.
    5. The company has extended the line to include its Magic Scan Checkout, a pretend supermarket checkout counter that Ms. Bourdon labeled a big seller at Toys R Us.
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