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 Bourdain 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Bourdain)人名;(法)布尔丹

  1. You can keep up with Anthony Bourdain’s latest food travels by catching his Travel Channel show, “No Reservations”.
    您可以通过观看Anthony Bourdain的旅行频道秀——《毫无保留》,跟上他最近旅行的脚步。
  2. It seems Bourdain, a CIA graduate and trained French chef (see: Brasserie Les Halles), never fancied himself good in the kitchen.
    Bourdain似乎是中央情报局的毕业生和训练有素的法国厨师(参见:他是Brasserie Les Halles的主厨),从来没有幻想过自己会乐于厨房工作。
  3. Around the same time I was yearning to work a buzzing shift, Anthony Bourdain was mulling over a similar question in his book Kitchen Confidential, so I went back to see what he was thinking then.

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