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 bounteous ['bauntiәs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 慷慨的, 充足的, 宽裕的

  1. We are grateful to you for your bounteous gifts.
  2. God's bounteous blessings.
  3. He's always kindhearted and bounteous.

[ adj ]
given or giving freely
was a big tipperthe bounteous goodness of God
bountiful compliments
a freehanded host
a handsome allowance
Saturday's child is loving and giving
a liberal backer of the arts
a munificent gift
her fond and openhanded grandfather

Bounteous \Boun"te*ous\, a. [OE. bountevous, fr. bounte bounty.]
Liberal in charity; disposed to give freely; generously
liberal; munificent; beneficent; free in bestowing gifts; as,
bounteous production.

But O, thou bounteous Giver of all good. --Cowper.
-- {Boun"te*ous*ly}, adv. --
{Boun"te*ous*ness}, n.

  1. The Canadian Ben Heppner, a heroic singer of uncommon intelligence, sensitivity and bounteous vocal gifts, struggled with those portions of the vocal writing most closely linked with Pears's tenorial idiosyncrasies.
  2. But in the midst of these backward-looking events, many analysts argue that the ground is being cleared and the seeds being sown for more bounteous times in the investment world as the decade progresses.
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