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 bombardment [bɑm'bɑrdmənt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 炮击

[化] 轰击

[医] 轰击

  1. The enemy kept up their bombardment day and night.
  2. The bombardment continued without cessation.
  3. The attacks jumped of without the usual preliminary bombardment.

[ noun ]
  1. the rapid and continuous delivery of linguistic communication (spoken or written)

  2. <noun.communication>
    a barrage of questions
    a bombardment of mail complaining about his mistake
  3. the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target

  4. <noun.act>
    they laid down a barrage in front of the advancing troops
    the shelling went on for hours without pausing
  5. the act (or an instance) of subjecting a body or substance to the impact of high-energy particles (as electrons or alpha rays)

  6. <noun.act>
  7. an attack by dropping bombs

  8. <noun.act>

Bombardment \Bom*bard"ment\, n. [F. bombardement.]
An attack upon a fortress or fortified town, with shells, hot
shot, rockets, etc.; the act of throwing bombs and shot into
a town or fortified place.

  1. As the brain absorbs repeated ad messages and images over time, the bombardment can subconsciously strengthen attraction to a brand, some psychologists believe.
  2. They also pounded Contra positions with heavy artillery and aeriel bombardment.
  3. But Babangida's forces later retook the station after what state media described as "heavy bombardment and sporadic shooting." There was no word on how many people were killed in the fighting, but reporters said casualties appeared heavy.
  4. The spokesman said that besides the bombardment directed in the area of the departure route, there has been "mass destruction of villages" along the highway that links Kabul with the Soviet border and villages some distance from the highway.
  5. A police spokesman said the Christians kept the peace for nearly three hours after the bombardment began.
  6. The bombardment caught people in the morning rush hour.
  7. The government reported aerial and naval bombardment of residential areas as troops sought to encircle rebels.
  8. But the Syrians have continued their bombardment to prevent Aoun receiving supplies sent by Iraq, Syria's main Arab foe.
  9. Syrian and Christian army gunners hammered each other's positions in and around Beirut today after random bombardment of the capital forced residents to spend the Easter holiday underground.
  10. More than 150,000 people have fled Beirut during earlier lulls and more, driven as much by shortages as the fear of renewed bombardment, packed up what they could Thursday and got out.
  11. Despite radio warnings, thousands of Moslems who fled to southern Lebanon for safety in recent weeks returned to Beirut to check on their homes and businesses after Friday's savage bombardment.
  12. Another Sarajevo resident who has endured two years of bombardment claimed not to be bitter, but just thankful that Nato had taken action: 'All Sarajevo will be celebrating tonight.
  13. Mosquitoes are the latest scourge to follow in the wake of Hurricane Hugo, but the Air Force Reserve is coming to the rescue with an aerial bombardment on the pests this weekend.
  14. Diplomats estimate that 10 fighter jets and numerous other military aircraft were lost during the mutineers' bombardment of Kabul and the government's retaliation.
  15. Anderson the reporter, now locked up by Moslem militants in a makeshift dungeon, had once huddled with fearful Moslems in other basements, under Christian bombardment, there to tell their story to the world.
  16. Communist bombardment reduced Baghlan, a northwestern Afghanistan provincial capital, to rubble, Western diplomats in Pakistan said.
  17. But the official Iraqi News Agency, monitored in Nicosia, Cyprus, reported that the missile was fired at 3:40 p.m. in retaliation for the bombardment of Basra.
  18. He needs one, to protect himself from the bombardment of his own back-benchers.
  19. A police spokesman said 20 people were killed and 42 wounded since the non-stop bombardment of the city and surrounding hills began at dusk Saturday.
  20. Both sides reported air raids on each other's cities and artillery bombardment of border towns on Monday.
  21. They also briefly held the key northern city of Kunduz before heavy Soviet aerial bombardment forced them to flee.
  22. Police said at least four people were killed and 10 wounded in a fierce bombardment of residential districts this morning.
  23. 'The one who wants peace does not kill peace with bombardment and does not resort to destruction and massacres.' Israel earlier accused Syria of not preventing attacks by Hizbollah in southern Lebanon.
  24. It was the first time in nearly a week of fighting that residential neighborhoods have come under sustained artillery bombardment.
  25. Shevardnadze told Khan that Afghan rebels had recently stepped up their bombardment of Afghan towns and that hundreds of innocent people were killed or wounded in the past two months.
  26. But with the constant bombardment of Elvis is alive stories, I came to the conclusion that the best way to deal with things was reality," Stanley said Friday at a news conference at the Time & Life Building.
  27. The general's headquarters reported the station went off the air at 7 p.m. when it was hit in a "sudden bombardment aimed at silencing the voice of truth.
  28. "Iraq was blamed for the Halabjah attack, even though it was subsequently brought out that Iran too had used chemicals in this operation, and it seemed likely that it was the Iranian bombardment that had actually killed the Kurds," the report said.
  29. The reports indicated the soldiers had outwitted the Tamil Tigers by paddling across the lagoon during the aerial bombardment, instead of trying to break across a heavily mined causeway that leads to the rear of the star-shaped Dutch colonial fort.
  30. Behind her, a bombardment began. The three Russian divisions which invaded Chechnya on Sunday are now to the north, east and west of the city.
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