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 bombast ['bɑmbæst]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 夸大的言辞

  1. His speech was full of bombast.
  2. Given to ranting or bombast.

[ noun ]
pompous or pretentious talk or writing

Bombast \Bom"bast\, a.
High-sounding; inflated; big without meaning; magniloquent;

[He] evades them with a bombast circumstance,
Horribly stuffed with epithets of war. --Shak.

Nor a tall metaphor in bombast way. --Cowley.

Bombast \Bom*bast"\ (b[o^]m*b[.a]st" or b[u^]m*b[.a]st"), v. t.
To swell or fill out; to pad; to inflate. [Obs.]

Not bombasted with words vain ticklish ears to feed.

Bombast \Bom"bast\ (b[o^]m"b[.a]st or b[u^]m"b[.a]st; 277), n.
[OF. bombace cotton, LL. bombax cotton, bombasium a doublet
of cotton; hence, padding, wadding, fustian. See
1. Originally, cotton, or cotton wool. [Obs.]

A candle with a wick of bombast. --Lupton.

2. Cotton, or any soft, fibrous material, used as stuffing
for garments; stuffing; padding. [Obs.]

How now, my sweet creature of bombast! --Shak.

Doublets, stuffed with four, five, or six pounds of
bombast at least. --Stubbes.

3. Fig.: High-sounding words; an inflated style; language
above the dignity of the occasion; fustian.

Yet noisy bombast carefully avoid. --Dryden.

  1. Their manner, their lack of I-was-there bombast, may make a few old-timers think of Ernie Pyle's musings on life after the war, thoughts that the famed war correspondent wrote in France in August 1944.
  2. (No Bejart fan, I record that the bombast of the productions looks bold, and communicates boldly, on this exposed stage). Alas for the Ukrainians' ballet.
  3. Mr. Verhoeven's box-office success was rewarded; he went on to apply his technological bombast to "Total Recall," another gory blockbuster.
  4. Created for Judith Jamison, who now directs the Ailey company, it was danced by Renee Robinson with absolute conviction, and with an eloquence that avoided bombast or emotional wallowing.
  5. Even so, the symphony has never sounded less like an old warhorse, thanks to the elegance of the wind playing, the subtlety of the balance, the refusal to countenance noise or bombast.
  6. The rest pales by comparison." Opponents criticized Duarte's bombast and messianic attitude; supporters praised his idealism and fighting spirit.
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