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 Bombay [bɑm'be]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 孟买

  1. Our last day in Bombay.
  2. We flew from London to Bombay in one hop.
  3. The next plane due to arrive is a charter from Bombay.

[ noun ]
a city in western India just off the coast of the Arabian Sea; India's 2nd largest city (after Calcutta); has the only natural deep-water harbor in western India

  1. The worst previous accident for the airlines was in 1976, when a Caravelle aircraft exploded at Bombay airport while landing. Ninety-five people were killed in the crash, blamed on leaking fuel pipes.
  2. The group gathered recently to discuss the cranes at the Bombay Natural History Society office in Bharatpur.
  3. The two nations also agreed to reopen consulates in Bombay and Shanghai that were closed by the Himalayan border war.
  4. Research will come from Jardine Fleming's Bombay office.
  5. The head of the official investigation into the Rs35bn (Pounds 625m) Bombay financial scandal has resigned, writes Shiraz Sidhva in Delhi.
  6. The events shattered the myth that Bombay was aloof from politics and caste, unconcerned about anything but commerce.
  7. The Bombay Stock Exchange was open but trading was negligible. Shiv Sena called the strike to put pressure on Mr Sharad Pawar, chief minister of Maharashtra state which has Bombay as its capital.
  8. The Bombay Stock Exchange was open but trading was negligible. Shiv Sena called the strike to put pressure on Mr Sharad Pawar, chief minister of Maharashtra state which has Bombay as its capital.
  9. Rushdie, 41, was born into a Moslem family in Bombay, India, but has become a British citizen and does not actively practice religion.
  10. Savvy in buying raw gemstones in Tel Aviv, Bombay and the Netherlands, Sterling has shown Ratners how to cut costs so much that Coppel predicted the company's diamond business would jump from 12 percent to 20 percent of total sales.
  11. "From independence in 1947 until today, we have had less total foreign investment than Indonesia is getting in a year," grumbles Ajit Dayal, a young U.S.-trained consultant at Quantum Financial Services Ltd. in Bombay.
  12. Yesterday's incident was the most serious threat to public order since the terrorist bombs which rocked Bombay in early March. Fighting broke out when police tried to stop mourners stoning a mosque on the funeral route.
  13. Mr Harshad Mehta, the former Big Bull of the Bombay stock market, looks a shadow of his old self, writes Stefan Wagstyll in Bombay.
  14. Mr Harshad Mehta, the former Big Bull of the Bombay stock market, looks a shadow of his old self, writes Stefan Wagstyll in Bombay.
  15. In June, a doctor published India's first study of orgasm. Bombay Friend, the country's first magazine for homosexuals, began publishing in May.
  16. Firefighters using cranes and blowtorches rescued about 150 people trapped in the debris of the 70-year-old Yusuf Patel building in southern Bombay, said the officials, who by custom spoke on condition of anonymity.
  17. He appeared in court today and was being held in a Bombay jail.
  18. In fact, at one stage we had exported to Belgium." He spoke at a news conference at Poona near Bombay.
  19. In the cargo market, KLM is seeking to build up freighter flights from Dubai to Delhi, Bombay, Bangalore and Madras.
  20. Breaking diplomatic relations would be the minimum step Delhi could take on a dangerous road. Mr Rao chose his words carefully during his visit to Bombay: 'There is a definite possibility that our search may not stop within the country.
  21. However, export growth was held back in the year to March by a slump in sales to the countries of the former Communist bloc and by inter-religious violence in Bombay and elsewhere.
  22. As one Bombay banker says: 'The banks will modernise but control will stay 90 per cent with the government.' THE Indian government is breathing a sigh of relief.
  23. The company said its board reviewed "indications of interest" from possible suitors, as well as the potential performance of its Bombay Co. unit and Tandy Brands Accessories.
  24. The people in his hometown outside Bombay, India, were mostly vegetarians and would never kill an animal, he said.
  25. The Narcotics Control Bureau said it was acting on a tip when it raided two buildings in the Bombay dockyard, UNI said.
  26. And so the long day wears on. Unlike Salaam Bombay, Mira Nair's new film is painfully alphabetical in its guide to modern-day race attitudes and painfully contrived in the way it routes its central romance through the appropriate stations of bigotry.
  27. United News of India said a man, believed to be a Moslem, threw the waste on a statue of Lord Ganesha during morning rituals at a temple in the Laxmi Road area of Poona, 75 miles southeast of Bombay.
  28. At least three people were killed and 1,500 arrested in Maharashtra state Monday as a strike called by Hindus to protest Sikh violence paralyzed Bombay, India's commercial center, officials said.
  29. So ingrained is the black culture in Bombay that when people win a horse race or the lottery, they rarely redeem their ticket.
  30. In addition he is advocating the development of a series of satellite towns 30 to 40 miles outside Bombay.
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