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 bombastic [bɑm'bæstɪk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 夸大的, 夸夸其谈的

  1. Pompous or bombastic speech or expression.
  2. Full of empty or pretentious language; bombastic.
  3. The candidate spoke in a bombastic way of all that he would do if elected.

[ adj ]
ostentatiously lofty in style
a man given to large talktumid political prose

Bombastic \Bom*bas"tic\ (b[o^]m*b[.a]s"t[i^]k or
b[u^]m*b[.a]s"t[i^]k), Bombastical \Bom*bas"tic*al\, a.
Characterized by bombast; high-sounding; inflated. --
{Bom*bas"tic*al*ly}, adv.

A theatrical, bombastic, windy phraseology. --Burke.

Syn: Turgid; tumid; pompous; grandiloquent.

  1. Cosby faces another crisis: His children will be penniless unless he swings a deal for his bombastic boss (Barry Corbin). Since Cosby is visible only in the dark, it's not easy.
  2. Lowry, a five-term representative, has calmed his bombastic rhetoric and trademark arm-flailing, shaven his Yasser Arafat-style beard, pressed his usually rumpled suits and sworn off beer for the campaign.
  3. "The music is definitely very brooding," he said. "It's very bombastic.
  4. The governor also warned, "The trail is getting cold." The Rev. Al Sharpton, the bombastic Pentecostal minister with the James Brown hairdo and gift for gab, climbed atop the soap box long before he found the Tawana Brawley case.
  5. Other protests followed. But to see him as just a bombastic, slightly unhinged bible basher is to do him less than justice.
  6. He shows us how he and his chums set up their club headquarters in a bombed-out house, and were as vicious and bombastic in their way as the adults were being in theirs.
  7. One guy sat on me, and another one started cutting my hair," said the bombastic program host known for his arrogant, aggressive style.
  8. The company performances are suitably bombastic and tiresome. The second part of the programme brought us Bejart's version of The Miraculous Mandarin.
  9. In years past, the Communist East Germans marked the wall's anniversary with bombastic military parades that drew the wrath of the Western Allies.
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