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 anybody ['enibɒdi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
pron. 任何人

n. 重要人物

  1. He doubts if the officer is anybody.
  2. Hardly anybody came.
  3. Ask anyone in your class.

Anybody \A"ny*bod*y\, n.
1. Any one out of an indefinite number of persons; anyone;
any person.

His Majesty could not keep any secret from anybody.

2. A person of consideration or standing. [Colloq.]

All the men belonged exclusively to the mechanical
and shopkeeping classes, and there was not a single
banker or anybody in the list. --Lond. Sat.

  1. "I never seen anybody run that fast," said Constable John Brown, who was escorting Bailey.
  2. I don't want to ennoble it too much, but it's about the strength of humanity of this woman as opposed to the cold, inhumane aspect of the law that said she shouldn't help anybody, under those circumstances.
  3. "(Then) I get hotheaded like anybody else."
  4. "If nobody is talking to anybody in this region, we'll never accomplish anything," says Mr. Norman.
  5. He "threatened to shoot if anybody moved," said a police official, who cannot be named under standing regulations.
  6. "Even if he didn't do much for the progress of our country, he didn't kill anybody," said Safi, who studied at Czechoslovakia's Charles University.
  7. Asked what the emergence of a "narco-government" would mean for U.S. foreign policy, Gates said, "I don't think anybody has thought very much about that.
  8. The instructions for changing the combinations on the locks to that ministry's safes are so complicated that hardly anybody bothers.
  9. It goes in for lots of inspiring photographs and plenty of uplifting aphorisms, all homing in on the wondrous benefits of simplicity. Anybody who is anybody in design circles has a go.
  10. If Noriega had been flown out, "the loyalist forces wouldn't have anybody to be loyal to" and the post-Noriega era would have begun in Panama, one official said.
  11. "I don't think anybody's going to feel this was the wrong thing to do," Corpus Christi Mayor Betty Turner said of the evacuation in her town, where thousands of residents crowded into shelters.
  12. This step-by-step method is "the best answer anybody's come up with yet" to ensure food safety, Joseph Hotchkiss, an associate professor of food chemistry and toxicology at Cornell University said during a telephone interview Tuesday.
  13. "In all the years I've been in Washington, I've never known anybody who's been more honest than Dan Wall.
  14. Miami-based Carnival doesn't plan to fine anybody for throwing trash overboard, but its passengers are encouraged to separate plastics from glass, cans and paper into deck-side garbage cans.
  15. Just when the Mondadori affair will end is anybody's guess.
  16. "I told him I wouldn't let anybody shift the blame (for Black Monday) unfairly."
  17. "Cigarette ads never forced anybody to smoke," Mr. Pare said.
  18. If EPA can veto this, there really isn't any project that anybody can develop that can pass the EPA." "There are a lot of grounds for (a federal court) appeal," he said.
  19. It seems there wasn't anybody who met Ryan who didn't love him." Among those are the celebrities such as pop singers Elton John and Michael Jackson, who had befriended Ryan years before attending his funeral.
  20. Milk has never been creatively marketed, she said. "Whenever anybody makes noise about a beverage product it does have an effect on sales," she said.
  21. "I have a deep affection for those men and women who sacrificed their lives in Vietnam and for anybody to imply anything differently is just simply wrong," he said.
  22. "I don't know as anybody would ever be totally prepared to deal with that quantity of oil," said Coast Guard Lt.
  23. "I've brought more money into Nashville than anybody else," Boner said. "We lived up to our commitments.
  24. "FERRIS BUELLER" (premieres Sept. 17): This is a half-hour tribute to the proposition that anybody can write a realllllllly dumb sitcom.
  25. Another good label is TSE Cashmere, which has made a huge effort to upgrade and stabilise its quality and which manages to deliver cashmere at prices lower than anybody else.
  26. If I hadn't had anybody to get up for, I would have been finished." He also said that although four years have passed since his hit television series "Hart to Hart" was canceled, he's still stunned and disappointed.
  27. "Believe me, it's not a number anybody is happy about.
  28. He said small countries such as his own cannot accept "for anybody to be able to delete by force the boundaries of an existing nation." "Good answer," Bush told Perez.
  29. "Alcoholics can hide it from anybody.
  30. "I don't think that anybody who has got a known record in terms of criminal activity or somebody who has had mental problems _ I don't have any problem with preventing those individuals from getting possession of any gun," Deukmejian said.
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