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 anyplace ['ɛnɪ`ples]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 在任何地方

  1. Actually ideas can come from anyplace.
  2. He vowed to return one day with technology that could negotiate anyplace within the Titanic's interior.
  3. He had a license to carry a gun, probably the most expensive gun license ever issued anyplace, anytime.

[ adv ]
at or in or to any place
you can find this food anywhere

  1. "The machines can still talk to you, but the transaction won't go anyplace without the computer line," said Steven Cole, president of Cash Station Inc., which operates some 900 cash machines in the Chicago area.
  2. "It could be anyplace," said Capt.
  3. He tells the audience that it is a privilege to be born in America, that blacks have more opportunity here than anyplace on the globe including black Africa, that affirmative action policies are racist and a betrayal of the civil-rights revolution.
  4. "People used to say that if you couldn't find it in Wanamaker's, you couldn't find it anyplace, but that's not true anymore," sighs one employee.
  5. Maybe he's done all he can in a town that loves "caffe latte" more than Cracker Jack and has fewer kids per capita than anyplace outside of San Francisco (hence, less demand for autographs, souvenirs and foot-long hot dogs).
  6. It might be anyplace.
  7. Since marathon work on the dictionary began four years ago, he hasn't taken his horn out of the case anyplace.
  8. We have our problems like anyplace, but it really is a nice place to live." Here, in the words of President Bush and Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev, is a description of their shipboard summit off Malta.
  9. He's not getting more than a third of them anyplace," said Sheldon Gawiser, an NBC poll analyst.
  10. While it raises hopes, Mr. Gorbachev's proposal also serves as a reminder that Europe remains the place where more nuclear weapons are targeted than anyplace else.
  11. An outbreak of Lyme disease that struck one-third of the people who lived near a Massachusetts wildlife preserve could happen anyplace in the northern United States where deer are plentiful, researchers say.
  12. "When my people see a typo anyplace, I want them to step on it like a roach," DeGarmo said Wednesday.
  13. "Abu Nader told me, if you are friends with us, if you bring information for us, you will be free to go anyplace you want," he says.
  14. "We ain't goin' anyplace," insists Lionel I. Pincus, chairman and chief executive of Warburg Pincus.
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