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 anymore ['enimɔ:]   添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. Don't waste my time anymore.
  2. I can't take it anymore.

[ adv ]
at the present or from now on; usually used with a negative
Alice doesn't live here anymorethe children promised not to quarrel any more

  1. I mean, no one says trunks anymore." Bobby Shriver, 36, venture capitalist and Special Olympics producer, New York: "I remember once I was out walking with my grandmother.
  2. "I brought my family here after the riots because we couldn't live there anymore," Arzumanyan said, standing amid the ruined apartment he moved into only a month ago.
  3. If it isn't, the day may come when people say of TV what Yogi Berra said of his once-favorite restaurant: "Nobody goes there anymore.
  4. "Nobody anymore makes the best cleaner, period," says Ron Smithies, a vice president of the Council of Better Business Bureaus' National Advertising Division.
  5. "We can't just 'microwave' jeans anymore; we have to cook them," jokes a Lee trouble-shooter who hustles from one laundry to the next.
  6. Of those who order fewer drinks in restaurants, 38% said drinking just isn't enjoyable anymore.
  7. "This year it's not that way anymore.
  8. That win total probably will never be topped, because schools aren't allowed to play that many games anymore.
  9. Everybody is saying that the Baker initiative is dead, the banks won't lend anymore to developing countries, and it's amazing to me because the facts are not there.
  10. "The speculation is that Gorbachev is not dealing from a large power base anymore," said Kevin Lawrie, a vice president at the Bank of Boston's New York office.
  11. "Don't you love me anymore?"
  12. It didn't rain anymore after the tornado, so not a lot of homes were water-soaked.
  13. I don't want to go up there anymore." The sobbing boy ran to a police car at a nearby gas station, then he and the officers drove around the neighborhood looking for the robber.
  14. "We don't plan on doing it anymore and we plan on bringing that number down," he said.
  15. "We decided we couldn't live anymore," Davis said.
  16. "Any anthem or something, I'm not going to sing them anymore," she said.
  17. He also announced that the government's Council of Ministers, its cabinet, isn't "needed anymore," and that seats in parliament ought to be "contested by two or more candidates."
  18. It won't be anymore." The five people killed were attending the annual church meeting, which attracted about 300 people from several states.
  19. Merrill Lynch analyst Gerald Lewinsohn recently told investors that Home stock wasn't just "speculative" anymore; it was "high risk" after completing the Carteret deal.
  20. "There's no place to hide anymore.
  21. But the satellite campus' dean, Serafin Zasueta, said such sentiments aren't heard much anymore.
  22. "`Housewife' isn't a very popular term anymore," says Alecia Benjamin, the Future Homemakers' director of public affairs.
  23. "If you can't set risks, you don't have insurance anymore," Mr. Tedone said.
  24. The college community would react with outrage to racist statements, but anti-Semitic taunts, as well as academic nonsense, scarcely attract attention anymore.
  25. "We don't know what to believe anymore," said Mary Bishop, who attends Ms. Long's Hapeville church. "If she's right, what's that say about the priests?
  26. "They don't do that anymore." For some, the biggest worry isn't blatant criminal activity, but more subtle forms of subterfuge.
  27. "The officer fell to the ground and as he was laying on the ground, begging the suspect not to shoot at him anymore, the suspect fired again," he said.
  28. Nobody speaks German here anymore.
  29. And on-the-job political activity, such as wearing a campaign button at work, wouldn't be permitted anymore.
  30. Now It's Caveat Emptor When Picking Car Wax NOTHING IS simple anymore, not even waxing the car.
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