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 anyhow ['enihau]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 无论如何, 至少

  1. I couldn't think of the name of that man anyhow.
  2. His clothes were just thrown down anyhow.
  3. Anyhow I must tell the truth.

[ adv ]
  1. used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement

  2. <adv.all>
    Anyhow, he is dead now
    I think they're asleep; anyhow, they're quiet
    I don't know what happened to it; anyway, it's gone
    anyway, there is another factor to consider
    I don't know how it started; in any case, there was a brief scuffle
    in any event, the government faced a serious protest
    but at any rate he got a knighthood for it
  3. in any way whatsoever

  4. <adv.all>
    they came anyhow they could
    get it done anyway you can

Anyhow \A"ny*how`\, adv.
In any way or manner whatever; at any rate; in any event.

Anyhow, it must be acknowledged to be not a simple
selforiginated error. --J. H.

Anyhow, the languages of the two nations were closely
allied. --E. A.

  1. Patients are warned that a new procedure is risky but decide to go ahead anyhow and are angered if things turn out badly.
  2. "A lot of people never believed (the danger) anyhow," he said. "These are the people who are lined up on our list now." Prime Minister Bob Hawke is to undergo prostate surgery, and his office today said the Australian leader does not have cancer.
  3. Mr. Lyubimov is in Chicago partly because he wanted to polish a production he'd already staged in Turin, Italy, and partly because he can't go home anyhow.
  4. As it is, U.S. presidents, by virtue of America's historic might, tend to dominate such sessions anyhow.
  5. "These companies are going" somewhere anyhow, he says. "Southern California, which has been our primary market, is an inhospitable place to manufacture.
  6. It led to intramural bickering at the Capitol, since the Senate often has had free, politically-popular votes against pay raises that took effect anyhow for lack of House rejection.
  7. "I don't care what the neighbors say," he added. "They're a bunch of bigots, anyhow." Ms. Toussaint reported the events to the Police Department's Conflict Prevention and Resolution Unit and to the city's Commission on Human Relations.
  8. But he gave them away anyhow.
  9. But an executive familiar with Turner's plans said the company would probably wait several years anyhow before launching a cartoon channel, to give time for cable systems to expand their channel capacity.
  10. Most of them aren't really very interested in economics anyhow, Wallis said.
  11. But Pickens expects a showdown with Koito anyhow, because he wants to bring four people to the meeting, and management has told him he can send just one representative and an interpreter.
  12. But there it is anyhow, almost mocking him.
  13. Granted, said Helms, but that happens only twice a millennium, and he voted against it anyhow.
  14. "For whatever reason it didn't much matter because only about one doctor in 10 would accept Medicaid patients anyhow.
  15. That may not accomplish much because the numbers are public information anyhow, and the practice involves senators of both parties.
  16. Luckily, things picked up for the pallid looking little soprano and the feckless queen she was playing once we left this prologue, which did little anyhow to prepare one for the complications ahead.
  17. He couldn't break away, and the U.S. ambassador's residence in Lima doesn't have cable television anyhow.
  18. There's no evidence of any such weaponry in the Dukakis arsenal anyhow.
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