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 alliance [ә'laiәns]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 联盟, 联合

[法] 同盟, 联盟, 联姻

  1. They made an alliance against the common enemy.
  2. Which country is the predominant member of the alliance?
  3. They broke up the alliance.

[ noun ]
  1. the state of being allied or confederated

  2. <noun.state>
  3. a connection based on kinship or marriage or common interest

  4. <noun.linkdef>
    the shifting alliances within a large family
    their friendship constitutes a powerful bond between them
  5. an organization of people (or countries) involved in a pact or treaty

  6. <noun.group>
  7. a formal agreement establishing an association or alliance between nations or other groups to achieve a particular aim

  8. <noun.communication>
  9. the act of forming an alliance or confederation

  10. <noun.act>

Alliance \Al*li"ance\, n. [OE. aliaunce, OF. aliance, F.
alliance, fr. OF. alier, F. allier. See {Ally}, and cf. LL.
1. The state of being allied; the act of allying or uniting;
a union or connection of interests between families,
states, parties, etc., especially between families by
marriage and states by compact, treaty, or league; as,
matrimonial alliances; an alliance between church and
state; an alliance between France and England.

2. Any union resembling that of families or states; union by
relationship in qualities; affinity.

The alliance of the principles of the world with
those of the gospel. --C. J. Smith.

The alliance . . . between logic and metaphysics.

3. The persons or parties allied. --Udall.

Syn: Connection; affinity; union; confederacy; confederation;
league; coalition.

Alliance \Al*li"ance\, v. t.
To connect by alliance; to ally. [Obs.]

  1. Two settlement proposals offered by the alliance have been rejected by the writers.
  2. Ahmed Shah, a guerrilla designated by the rebel alliance to head an all-rebel interim government, stood in the 95-degree heat and told the crowd his administration would soon move into Afghanistan. He gave no deadline.
  3. For these causes the people of Great Britain, the United States and other Allied nations have for 44 years made enormous sacrifices to keep our alliance strong and our military ready.
  4. The Samsung alliance "is a major announcement," asserted Mr. Allison.
  5. At least 59 militant unions in Seoul decided on Wednesday to call a joint strike Friday in protest of the crackdown on labor. Union leaders said they would seek an alliance with students.
  6. But in 1972 the party abandoned FDR's grand alliance and began to appeal to voters as members of special interest groups.
  7. Michel Aoun's Christian army units and an alliance of Syrian troops and Druse militiamen.
  8. Management took this as a reason to subject the alliance and cooperation policies of the Austrian Airlines Aviation Group to a profound analysis and a new definition.
  9. Michel Aoun's Christian forces and an alliance of Syria and Moslems militias.
  10. At the Utah gathering, tribal leaders said they hope their alliance will lead to a summit with President Bush where concerns over federal encroachment into tribal sovereignty could be discussed.
  11. And I want to see that determined by the alliance and keep the solid alliance position.
  12. And I want to see that determined by the alliance and keep the solid alliance position.
  13. Current thinking in Whitehall is that it should be possible, when the Maastricht treaty is revised in 1996, to endow the EU with a common defence policy explicitly linked to the Atlantic alliance.
  14. But if the alliance has become less central to US policy, as is inevitable, then it must also become less central to European policy.
  15. This was a project KLM could not complete on its own. But KLM and British Airways had not re-started talks on a strategic alliance.
  16. NATO defense ministers Thursday urged U.S. allies to boost defense spending, upgrade military equipment and play a greater role in maintaining a strong Western alliance.
  17. But embassy spokesman Bill Bach said Walters, who started his job last week, would make no public comment on his talks with West German leaders in alliance efforts to resolve the issue.
  18. The Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) yesterday re-elected incumbent general secretary Mr Sam Shilowa and pledged to strengthen its formal political alliance with the African National Congress and the South African Communist party.
  19. His 20,000 mostly Christian troops have been fighting an alliance of Syrian and Druse forces in and around Beirut for the past four weeks.
  20. It is starting to move into the higher-volume voice telephony market. Concert is the cornerstone of the Dollars 5.3bn (Pounds 3.35bn) alliance between BT and MCI forged in mid-1993.
  21. An opposition alliance in Egypt said hundreds of its members had been arrested as the country's voters prepared for today's parliamentary elections, which are expected to be won by President Mubarak's party.
  22. At a meeting in Moscow Thursday, the seven-nation Warsaw Pact said it needed to transform itself into a political body and sought "constructive cooperation" with the 16-member Western alliance.
  23. Mr. Gleacher said the alliance will give the firm "a major flow of business."
  24. West German officials say NATO nations are starting to line up against the U.S. and British views in a major disarmament dispute within the Western alliance.
  25. But the fear of one was enough to justify the alliance in the eyes of its members. With the end of the cold war and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, that is no longer the case.
  26. It was Warsaw's turn to host the annual session of the communist defense alliance founded in this Polish capital in 1955.
  27. The alliance will enable the companies to provide food services to airlines on a worldwide basis.
  28. AT&T suspended negotiations with Britain's Cable & Wireless aimed at setting up a global alliance in international telecommunications services, say people familiar with the talks, which could resume in the summer.
  29. Britain and France wanted such a statement to make clear that the alliance wasn't suggesting that nuclear weapons could be discarded.
  30. "As the threat is decreasing appreciably, the alliance must keep the initiative in the field of disarmament and arms control and review its strategy and structure accordingly," he said.
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