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 allied [ə'laɪd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 联盟的, 联姻的, 联系起来的

  1. The English language is allied to the German language.
  2. The allied warplanes bombed the country by the hundred.
  3. Britain has allied itself with other western powers for trade and defence.

[ adj ]
  1. of or relating to or denoting the Allies in World War II

  2. <adj.pert>
    an Allied victory
    the Allied armies
  3. of or relating to or denoting the Allies in World War I

  4. <adj.pert>
    an allied offensive
    the Allied powers
  5. related by common characteristics or ancestry

  6. <adj.all>
    allied species
    allied studies
  7. united in a confederacy or league

  8. <adj.all>
  9. joined by treaty or agreement

  10. <adj.all>

Ally \Al*ly"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Allied}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Allying}.] [OE. alien, OF. alier, F. alier, fr. L. alligare
to bind to; ad + ligare to bind. Cf. {Alligate}, {Alloy},
{Allay}, {Ligament}.]
1. To unite, or form a connection between, as between
families by marriage, or between princes and states by
treaty, league, or confederacy; -- often followed by to or

O chief! in blood, and now in arms allied. --Pope.

2. To connect or form a relation between by similitude,
resemblance, friendship, or love.

These three did love each other dearly well,
And with so firm affection were allied. --Spenser.

The virtue nearest to our vice allied. --Pope.

Note: Ally is generally used in the passive form or

Allied \Al*lied"\, a.
United; joined; leagued; akin; related. See {Ally}.

  1. The few Arabians that survived the allied bombing there landed back at Janow, Gen.
  2. The Turkish parliament has still to decide whether to extend the allied security umbrella for the Kurds beyond the new year.
  3. The Mongolians were allied with the Soviet Union in gaining independence and establishing the world's second Communist state in 1921.
  4. George Pollock, New York, a former allied member, was fined $2,500 for supervisory deficiencies.
  5. They are besieged by the Syrians and allied forces.
  6. But no one here can answer it." In Budapest, a Hungarian official said the transfer of refugees was stalled because of fears over how Hungary's role would be viewed by allied East Germany.
  7. What he said was that the U.S. government had been allied with Hitler right up to the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
  8. They may well have a hidden agenda; if so, there'll be pitfalls that need investigating. Nor is it enough just to identify the motives and perspectives of the clusters of allied and opposing interests.
  9. The U.S. and Japan agreed to ease the licensing burden for companies that export high-powered computers to allied countries in the industrialized world.
  10. Four Soviet army officers flew here from Leningrad Sunday to observe winter maneuvers by North Atlantic Treaty Organization forces, the allied press information center reported.
  11. But the two coutries exchanged trade offices this year and the Soviet Union, closely allied with communist North Korea, has shown willingess to promote non-political ties with South Korea.
  12. Israeli gunners and allied militiamen of the South Lebanon Army today fired mortars and howitzers at leftist Lebanese factions allied with the Palestinians in and around the southeastern town of Mashgara, police said.
  13. Israeli gunners and allied militiamen of the South Lebanon Army today fired mortars and howitzers at leftist Lebanese factions allied with the Palestinians in and around the southeastern town of Mashgara, police said.
  14. Meanwhile, there were indications several East German political parties allied with the ruling Communist Party are seeking greater independence.
  15. The allied air forces have since been taking out very specific targets, such as military airfields and Scud launchers, for the purpose of destroying Saddam's war-making capabilities.
  16. And Peter Hart, a Democratic pollster, says the combination of the early evidence of accurate allied bombing and the evil image of Saddam Hussein will reduce public anxiety over civilian casualties.
  17. The White House also estimated the cost of the Gulf war could be as much as $70 billion, but said the U.S. would refund allied contributions, which total $53 billion, if they should exceed war costs.
  18. Meanwhile, Bush conferred with President Turgut Ozal of Turkey, which is allied with the United States against Iraq, and accepted an invitation to visit Turkey in the first half of 1991.
  19. He is a one-time Rafsanjani ally now allied with the radicals.
  20. The meetings would be between the already elected Solidarity deputies and those hopefuls still in the running for the communist party or the allied Peasant and Democratic party seats, he said.
  21. The American and allied response is now favored not only by the fundamental measures of power but by an extraordinary coalition of historical coincidences.
  22. But when speaking privately later, many said they were allied with neither side.
  23. Syrian troops and allied militiamen of Druse warlord Walid Jumblatt's militia retaliated by blockading the Christian enclave, where about 1 million people live.
  24. Social and economic disadvantage allied to low self-esteem have been cited as possible factors in the poor performance. Two new Catholic schools are to be built in Belfast and Londonderry at a cost of Pounds 8m.
  25. Like the oil industry, the oil-service companies closely allied to it are largely insulated from the stock market.
  26. When he was supreme allied commander in Europe from 1979 to 1987, Gen.
  27. Singh's 11-month-old coalition lost its majority in Parliament last week when an allied right-wing Hindu party withdrew support over the temple issue.
  28. "Clearly, these pose a threat to U.S. and allied peace keeping efforts in the Persian Gulf, the Middle East, and the Far East," said Quayle.
  29. Facts and figures on Thursday's election: Edward Seaga _ Prime minister since 1980, heading conservative, business-oriented government that was closely allied to the Reagan administration.
  30. People are not ready to buy the goods when they see than an Arab had touched them." President Mikhail S. Gorbachev forcefully warned Saddam Hussein Monday that the unity of those nations allied against Iraqi aggression cannot be broken.
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