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 alligation   添加此单词到默认生词本
[医] 合剂求值

    Alligation \Al`li*ga"tion\, n. [L. alligatio.]
    1. The act of tying together or attaching by some bond, or
    the state of being attached. [R.]

    2. (Arith.) A rule relating to the solution of questions
    concerning the compounding or mixing of different
    ingredients, or ingredients of different qualities or

    Note: The rule is named from the method of connecting
    together the terms by certain ligature-like signs.
    Alligation is of two kinds, medial and alternate;
    medial teaching the method of finding the price or
    quality of a mixture of several simple ingredients
    whose prices and qualities are known; alternate,
    teaching the amount of each of several simple
    ingredients whose prices or qualities are known, which
    will be required to make a mixture of given price or

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