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 Allianz 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Allianz is Europe's biggest insurer, with annual premium income of about 100 billion francs, the companies said.
    2. Most other groups, especially market leader Allianz AG, opposed Deutsche Bank's entry into life insurance from the start.
    3. Allianz didn't say whom, if anyone, it will support.
    4. Allianz also suggested, without saying so directly, that it regrets that Paribas isn't bidding for all of Navigation Mixte's shares.
    5. ALLIANZ'S SOVIET VENTURE Germany's Allianz AG, Europe's largest insurance group, said it is establishing a joint venture in the Soviet Union.
    6. Allianz's revenue in the form of premium income rose 20% to 38.3 billion marks from the year-earlier 31.8 billion marks.
    7. The contracts necessary for the transaction were signed today in Munich by the Board of Management of the Allianz AG and the representatives of PIMCO.
    8. Allianz Holdings, Europe's biggest insurer, increased its standing from 7th to 4th.
    9. The French insurers UAP and Axa were very nearly joined by ING, of the Netherlands, and the massive Allianz, of Germany.
    10. The company is 25%-owned by Allianz, which fell 4 to 2,213 as some holders believed the big insurer's day-earlier dividend boost wasn't enough.
    11. Allianz, which has 223 subsidiaries world-wide and posted consolidated group net profit of 1.16 billion marks ($730 million) in 1989, is also pushing into other parts of Eastern Europe.
    12. The results have much improved over the years and the progress achieved would be even more visible with a market turn.' A second problem is Deutsche Versicherungs, the former state insurance monopoly in east Germany that Allianz acquired in 1990.
    13. For example, the bank owns 28.2% of Daimler-Benz AG, one of West Germany's largest manufacturing companies, and 10% of Allianz AG, Europe's biggest insurer.
    14. 'There is a risk,' says Nomura Equity Research, 'that the Allianz earnings curve over the medium term will be unspectacular.' Last year, Allianz boosted pre-tax profits by 25 per cent to DM2bn, but this year's performance has been more sedate.
    15. 'There is a risk,' says Nomura Equity Research, 'that the Allianz earnings curve over the medium term will be unspectacular.' Last year, Allianz boosted pre-tax profits by 25 per cent to DM2bn, but this year's performance has been more sedate.
    16. Allianz, for example, is connected both with Ergobank, the private Greek bank, and with Dresdner Bank.
    17. "From the very beginning, the intention was to merge the (company's French insurance operations) one way or another under one holding company," an Allianz spokeswoman said.
    18. With Allianz's deep pockets and the long-term outlook necessary to ride out most financial storms, its prospects for achieving its goals are good.
    19. Allianz has 223 subsidiaries world-wide and posted consolidated group net profits in 1989 of 1.16 billion marks ($740.8 million).
    20. That would be bad news for Navigation Mixte's current management, which was counting on Allianz to help fend off Paribas.
    21. Allianz, whose finance director, Mr Friedrich Schiefer, is on Continental's supervisory board, has sometimes been identified as a supporter of Continental.
    22. Allianz said in late March that it intended to take a 40% stake in East Germany's state insurance monopoly.
    23. Paribas is Allianz's main French bank, and the Munich-based group said it intends to stay neutral.
    24. It also would make Paribas a major French ally of West Germany's Allianz AG insurance group.
    25. "Allianz benefits mostly from its incomparably strong position in its domestic market," wrote SBC.
    26. Some West German government officials have expressed reservations about allowing Allianz such a commanding share of the East German insurance market.
    27. The chairman said his board members, including representatives of West German insurance giant Allianz AG and French banks Credit Lyonnais and Societe Generale, hold nearly 50% of Navigation Mixte's capital.
    28. Allianz officials weren't available for comment yesterday.
    29. Mr. Fournier said Allianz will boost its stake in Navigation Mixte to more than 5% and will take a seat on the company's board.
    30. Allianz also didn't disclose first-half earnings.
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