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 Calamar 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Calamar \Cal"a*mar\ (k[a^]l"[.a]*m[aum]r), Calamary
    \Cal"a*ma*ry\, (-m[asl]*r[y^]r)n. [LL. calamarium inkstand, fr.
    L. calamus a reed pen: cf. F. calmar, calemar, pen case,
    calamar.] (Zo["o]l.)
    A cephalopod, belonging to the genus {Loligo} and related
    genera. There are many species. They have a sack of inklike
    fluid which they discharge from the siphon tube, when pursued
    or alarmed, in order to confuse their enemies. Their shell is
    a thin horny plate, within the flesh of the back, shaped very
    much like a quill pen. In America they are called {squids}.
    See {Squid}.

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