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 calamitous [kә'læmitәs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 灾难性的, 不幸的

  1. An indication of something important or calamitous about to occur; an omen.
  2. A play, film, television program, or other narrative work that portrays or depicts calamitous events and has an unhappy but meaningful ending.
  3. A calamitous earthquake broke out here.

[ adj ]
(of events) having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences; bringing ruin
the stock market crashed on Black Fridaya calamitous defeat
the battle was a disastrous end to a disastrous campaign
such doctrines, if true, would be absolutely fatal to my theory
it is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it
a fateful error

Calamitous \Ca*lam"i*tous\, a. [L. Calamitosus; cf. F.
1. Suffering calamity; wretched; miserable. [Obs.]

Ten thousands of calamitous persons. --South.

2. Producing, or attended with distress and misery; making
wretched; wretched; unhappy. ``This sad and calamitous
condition.'' --South. ``A calamitous prison'' --Milton.

Syn: Miserable; deplorable; distressful; afflictive;
wretched; grievous; baleful; disastrous; adverse;
unhappy; severe; sad; unfortunate. --
{Ca*lam"i*tous*ly}, adv. -- {Ca*lam"i*tous*ness}, n.

  1. Chile's calamitous economic career since then has been accompanied by pleas from the Journal to give Gen.
  2. Hence the calamitous showing of the Alliance of the Social Democrats and the Liberals, which had hoped to stake out a middle position between the right and left.
  3. Mr. Lucas has a penchant for the calamitous, and this is neither the first nor the last calamity to be visited on poor Rachel.
  4. While not calamitous, the report certainly adds to the bleak outlook for the holiday season, said GE's Mr. Joelson. "The fourth quarter is clearly going to be a weak quarter," he said.
  5. When he was a teen-ager, his determination once had calamitous results.
  6. After the ballet, the musical seems to give up; its calamitous ending is sloppily executed. The question that remains after The Red Shoes' quick demise is whether a good musical version of the film is possible - or desirable - at all.
  7. We are convinced the minimum-health-benefits bill will make health care available to millions of Americans now deprived of it without having the calamitous effects on the economy Mr. Gajda alleges.
  8. Canada was granted independent status in part because British taxpayers were tired of paying to defend their large, distant colony, and the Americans were preoccupied with settling the West and recovering from their calamitous Civil War.
  9. But as for safety, he says double-deck freeways built today with the heavily reinforced concrete and thicker columns required after the Sylmar quake should withstand a calamitous temblor of 7.5 to 8 on the Richter scale.
  10. When governments pursue economic policies that are obviously calamitous, most (though never all) economists will foresee calamity.
  11. Although he says there is no point in 'going over and over' the messy end to the 1980s, he largely attributes the final, calamitous errors under Mr Nigel Lawson, the former chancellor, to the pernicious influence of senior civil servants.
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