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 calamity [kә'læmiti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 灾难, 不幸事件

  1. More than 50 people were killed in this calamity.
  2. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a crushing calamity.
  3. She is always on the alert for some new calamity.

[ noun ]
an event resulting in great loss and misfortune
the whole city was affected by the irremediable calamitythe earthquake was a disaster

Calamity \Ca*lam"i*ty\n.; pl. {Calamities}. [L. calamitas, akin
to in-columis unharmed: cf. F. calamit['e]]
1. Any great misfortune or cause of misery; -- generally
applied to events or disasters which produce extensive
evil, either to communities or individuals.

Note: The word calamity was first derived from calamus when
the corn could not get out of the stalk. --Bacon.

Strokes of calamity that scathe and scorch the
soul. --W. Irving.

2. A state or time of distress or misfortune; misery.

The deliberations of calamity are rarely wise.

Where'er I came I brought calamity. --Tennyson.

Syn: Disaster; distress; affliction; adversity; misfortune;
unhappiness; infelicity; mishap; mischance; misery;
evil; extremity; exigency; downfall.

Usage: {Calamity}, {Disaster}, {Misfortune}, {Mishap},
{Mischance}. Of these words, calamity is the
strongest. It supposes a somewhat continuous state,
produced not usually by the direct agency of man, but
by natural causes, such as fire, flood, tempest,
disease, etc, Disaster denotes literally ill-starred,
and is some unforeseen and distressing event which
comes suddenly upon us, as if from hostile planet.
Misfortune is often due to no specific cause; it is
simply the bad fortune of an individual; a link in the
chain of events; an evil independent of his own
conduct, and not to be charged as a fault. Mischance
and mishap are misfortunes of a trivial nature,
occurring usually to individuals. ``A calamity is
either public or private, but more frequently the
former; a disaster is rather particular than private;
it affects things rather than persons; journey,
expedition, and military movements are often attended
with disasters; misfortunes are usually personal; they
immediately affect the interests of the individual.''

  1. But analysts think such a merger would run afoul of European regulators not quite ready for the calamity that deregulation likely holds for most of Europe's state-owned airlines.
  2. Church leader Elizabeth Clare Prophet has preached civil defense since the 1970s and warns of economic and nuclear calamity in the '90s.
  3. "There will be quite a calamity unless something new is ready," he added.
  4. Mr. Lucas has a penchant for the calamitous, and this is neither the first nor the last calamity to be visited on poor Rachel.
  5. The White House warned that emergency spending was needed before Memorial Day to keep veterans health programs from running out of money, but the deadline passed without calamity.
  6. He said 250,000 persons died in Sudan two years ago from disease and starvation but that a major international effort called Operation Lifeline Sudan succeeded in preventing a similar calamity last year.
  7. Takeover activity, often of the hostile variety, has resumed with a new frenzy as initial jitters about the economy have subsided in the wake of October's stock market calamity.
  8. This would be a total calamity." The program pushed by Gorbachev, the Soviet general secretary, includes greater freedoms and movement away from a centrally controlled economy.
  9. Naturally, real estate interests predict a calamity in Mr. Herschensohn's wake.
  10. An 8.3 quake centered on California's San Andreas fault is expected to be the worst calamity to strike the United States since the Civil War.
  11. This NBC News special will remind us that the inner-city crack epidemic is not the only calamity of its kind.
  12. Nevertheless, it's a problem the airlines pay close attention to." Even when bags are stolen, it's rarely a calamity for passengers.
  13. "It is God's business," a Mozambican will say stoically when calamity strikes. "That's life," another will add.
  14. It's been two years since the quake in the Los Angeles suburb of Whittier, which killed eight people, inspired residents to a concerted effort to prepare for a natural calamity.
  15. "We are faced by the worst calamity in our centuries-long history," he said.
  16. She also declared a state of calamity in Manila and 35 provinces hardest hit by Typhoon Ruby, which killed at least 103 people elsewhere in the Philippines Monday and Tuesday.
  17. Nevertheless, for the apple industry the Alar scare became a real calamity.
  18. When governments pursue economic policies that are obviously calamitous, most (though never all) economists will foresee calamity.
  19. The songs of the era are sprinkled throughout, and a segment recalling the John F. Kennedy assassination is poignantly evocative of a calamity seen through the eyes of a teen-ager.
  20. There's the respect that makes calamity of a record's, Long life.
  21. Investors have been rewarded for this risk; hence the high risk/return score. Martin Currie International's calamity was to have been exposed to Latin America when the Bolsa turned belly-up, and its 1991 record suffers as a result.
  22. Floods are an annual calamity after the summer monsoons.
  23. If that is true, you have a calamity," said Orfield.
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