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 calamintha nepeta 添加此单词到默认生词本
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    calamintha nepeta
    [ noun ]
    low-growing strongly aromatic perennial herb of southern Europe to Great Britain; naturalized in United States

    Basil \Bas"il\, n. [F. basilic, fr. L. basilicus royal, Gr.
    basiliko`s fr. basiley`s king.] (Bot.)
    The name given to several aromatic herbs of the Mint family,
    but chiefly to the common or sweet basil ({Ocymum
    basilicum}), and the bush basil, or lesser basil ({Ocymum
    minimum}), the leaves of which are used in cookery. The name
    is also given to several kinds of mountain mint

    {Basil thyme}, a name given to the fragrant herbs {Calamintha
    Acinos} and {Calamintha Nepeta}.

    {Wild basil}, a plant ({Calamintha clinopodium}) of the Mint

    Calamint \Cal"a*mint\ (-m[i^]nt), n. [OE. calamint, calemente
    (cf. F. calament) fr. L. calamintha, Gr. kalami`nqh,
    kala`minqos. See 1st {Mint}.] (Bot.)
    A genus of perennial plants ({Calamintha}) of the Mint
    family, esp. the {Calamintha Nepeta} and {Calamintha Acinos},
    which are called also {basil thyme}.

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