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 饱和酸 添加此单词到默认生词本
[化学] saturated acid

  1. 表明加工的步骤越多,其蛋黄中的不饱和酸被破坏程度越高。
    The more steps in processing, the unsaturated fatty acids in yolk destroyed were higher.
  2. 芝麻中脂肪的主要成分是油、亚油及甘油,均系不饱和酸,不含胆固醇,是中老年人的良好食品。
    Sesame fat in the main ingredient is oleic acid, linoleic acid and glycerin, are in unsaturated acid, free cholesterol in the elderly is good food.
  3. 结果表明,这种色谱固定相具有较强的极性并对饱和烃、芳香烃、饱和酸、芳香、极性异构体等具有良好的分离效果。
    The results showed that the column had good chromatographic properties, especially to strong polar compound, such as carboxylic acids and a coho ls could be separated well.

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