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 饱经沧桑 [bǎo jīng cāng sāng添加此单词到默认生词本
have seen much of the changes in human life
have been through the vicissitudes of life
have experienced many vicissitudes of life

  1. 她一生饱经沧桑
    She has experienced the vicissitudes of life.
  2. 尽管已经饱经沧桑,它的遗迹仍能为我们打开一道通往史前世界的窗口并且守护着4500多年前的那些神秘往事。
    Though weathered and broken, its ruins are a window on a prehistoric world, guarding secrets after more than 4, 500 years.
  3. 近代饱经沧桑的中国人民,深知和平之珍贵、发展之重要。
    The Chinese people, who emerged from great vicissitudes in modern times, are keenly aware of the value of peace and the importance of development.

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