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 饱餐一顿 [bǎo cān yí dùn添加此单词到默认生词本
make a hearty meal
get [have
take] one's whack
have had a dainty repast

  1. 蜜蜂们的工作就是在朵朵花上飞过,饱餐一顿的过程中也传播了果树的花粉。
    The bees' job is to flit from one blossom to the next, gorging themselves and in the process spreading the trees' sexual dust.
  2. 这足以在吉尼斯世界纪录大全中写上笔了,同时也能上围观的人群饱餐一顿的了。
    That's more than enough to land a spot in the Guinness Book of Records and feed the hungry crowd that showed up.
  3. 室内的大部分植物都是食物的基本来源,我可以毫不费力的摘取它们,然后美美地饱餐一顿
    About half the plants in this hut are food plants, and from these I harvested my dinner.

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