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 饱学之士 [bǎo xué zhī shì添加此单词到默认生词本
a widely-read, learned literate -- a scholarly man
an erudite person
a learned scholar
a man of learning

  1. 照您说的,这位饱学之士本应在他的书本中也学到这一点的。
    So learned a man as you speak of should have learned this, too, in his books.
  2. 我认为饱学之士,不一定就聪明。而能言善道者,也不一定就很有智慧。
    I think that not all learned scholars are wise and not all people who are eloquent have intelligence.
  3. 自远古起,饱学之士或者是哲学家一直在思考着什么是物质以及什么构成了物质。
    Since ancient times, learned men or philosophers have thought about matter and what it is made up of.

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