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 被牺牲者 [bèi xī shēng zhě添加此单词到默认生词本
fall guy
fell guy

  1. 如果野心正确对待,那么由野心带来的回报,比如财富,声望,对命运的控制一定会认为是值得那些牺牲者为了野心去采取行动。
    If ambition is to be well regarded, the rewards of ambition, wealth, distinction, control over one's destiny must be deemed worthy of the sacrifices made on ambition's behalf.
  2. 这件新作命名为“无辜的牺牲者”。从这个名字不难看出,老法耶兹依然坚信儿子与戴安娜是谋杀的,尽管法国方面的调查认为司机保罗负有一定的责任。
    The new work's title, "Innocent Victims," reflects al Fayed's belief that his son and the princess were murdered, despite a French inquiry that blamed Paul.
  3. 然后导游又带我们去了一个祭坛,当年,坛上牺牲者的心在仪式上活活的掏出,球场上的事有了解释,输了球的队员总是在此处死。
    Then the guide then showed us an altar where hearts were torn from the living victims on ceremonial occasions and the ball field explaining that the losing team was always slaughtered.

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